Whenever it's BR/GAP/ON Friends & Family coupon time I feel like I've been handed a ticking time bomb. MUST USE MUST USE MUST USE NOW GO GO GO! It's very stressful, this shopping thing. So much pressure! Banana Republic probably gets most of my money, but I've found the new spring collection to be either completely yawn-worthy or completely cut for a body type that is not my own. The trench coat (which I already have) is the lone exception.
As for the Gap, I've pretty much given up. If it's cute, it fits weird and the rest is just not cute. And their pants don't fit me. And I can get cheaper t-shirts at Target. Wah wah wah. That leaves Old Navy which mostly I don't bother with, but every now and then I totally score and find great cheap items that I completely love.
I was busy all day Saturday but on Sunday, late afternoon, I finally managed to use my 30% coupon with mere hours to spare. Here's what I tried on.
This dress, which was pretty darn cute, but maybe a smidgen too small and too short. I really wanted it in black but they didn't have it:
This dress, which was too big (they didn't have any in my size):
This cardigan which I liked:

But I really wanted it in the
pale grey print. There weren't any in my size when I initially looked, but on my way to the register I checked again and found a single size small! Woo. I bought it.
I also tried on a couple of
other cardigans, because I'm a junkie. The origami:

Very nice, but I didn't
need it.
I liked
this dress which came in a couple of colors:

The blue was more navy, not as intense as it looks in the photo. Cute, but the striped version stole my heart right out of my chest:

So vintage! So ridiculous! I bought it because I couldn't imagine not having it in my life.
Finally, on a whim I tried on the
denim pencil skirt because I don't have one and every single one I've tried on has looked bad on me (except for one by Rock & Republic that was too expensive to even consider). I was shocked by how much I loved this:

I think they must have had further mark-downs going on in the store because I got all three pieces for under $45. Hooray!