Yeah, my outfit is not so great today because on Tuesdays I take a lunchtime class at the gym and have about 30 seconds of changing time. I have to keep it simple! Also, it's kind of gray and cold out so I looked longingly at my new spring dresses and then pushed past them for my boring black trouser-cut pants.
Dream big, Adrien. But, the top part is sort of cute and features my new leopard print cardigan:
Yes, that's my bathroom. Please don't judge me.
I'm also wearing my very favorite shoes in the whole world, my trusty
Frye Lisa t-straps. I think at least three of my friends have them, Marianne included, and as you probably read this morning, she also has the coveted boot version. If I'd known Frye was only going to make these for one season I would've bought another pair because they are PERFECT. Well, they were perfect. Now they're a little sad looking:

Here's what they looked like new:

I've had my pair re-heeled four times and completely resoled once but there's really nothing I can do about the metallic finish wearing off so I just keep wearing them and probably will until they completely fall apart. Meanwhile I'll be trolling eBay in case another pair in my size surfaces. These shoes are one of the few things I happily paid full price for and they've certainly earned their keep.
t-shirt: Target
cardigan: Old Navy
pants: Banana Republic Martin fit
shoes: Frye Lisa t-strap
bathroom: mid-century unrenovated
Those are the best shoes EVER! I am so sad that the toes of mine have turned brown. I refuse to give them up.