Monday, May 17, 2010

Adrien: Monday. Clothes and Such.

I got dressed this morning after checking the weather and seeing that it'll be raining and 59 degrees. I put on my green Reed shirtdress, wide brown belt and Frye boots* and when I looked in the mirror June Cash was looking back at me. Hm. Maybe too much? (Don't get me wrong, I love June Cash, but it was really costumey.)

I changed lightening quick, grabbing a dress I don't wear very often because it's nearly impossible to wear a cardigan over it. That sounds lame, but I work in a cold basement office and layers are crucial. Today I'll just huddle around my space heater if need be. Anyway, here goes:

Um, yeah, it could use a bit of ironing but time was getting on. I will say, this dress is comfortable on a level I can't even describe. I bought it at Marshalls few summers ago while visiting Marianne in Knoxville. She has it in green and handed it to me saying, "YOU NEED THIS." Yes, ma'm. Who am I to say no to her?

dress: Max Studio
boots: Frye Tina
necklace: Keen Designs
bag: Juicy Couture
trench: Banana Republic

 *I think I'll just stop saying, "This is the last time for ___" about anything because, yeah. Boots.


  1. That dress is super cute and makes your waist look about *this* big (as in tiny!). Love the look!

  2. The dress is very should wear it more often!

  3. Thanks for the nice compliments! I will definitely wear this one more often.


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