Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Adrien: My Secret Shame.

Y'all, I cannot believe I'm going to show you this but we promised to show you the bad along with the good, so if you're ready for it, here's my bad:

That would be my closet, or at least half of it. My closet runs the length of a wall and has two doors, which is just about as awkward as it sounds. There's some weird hard-to-reach space in the middle that I struggle with. Okay, that first side wasn't too terrible, but here's the other side:

Hold me. I KNOW. It's bad, right? You're maybe thinking about me a little differently now, I can tell. You're all, "OMG, what is going on up there? Are those can't IS."

Yes, those are my fancy handbags, all thrown together like a pile of garbage. I KNOW. It's shameful! It's out of control. Further in are all my boots, half tipped over:

And then there's this unspeakable mess:

Ugh. The reason I'm posting this, my secret shame, is to embarrass myself into doing something about it. I used to have everything all tidy and nice and it's just gone to hell. Any suggestions regarding the Handbag Shelf of Shame? I was thinking about tracking down something like this:

So at least they're not all slumped over on each other. I know some folks use hanging shelves for handbag storage,  but my cats would hanging shelves as nothing more than as super-awesome hanging cat beds, so that's not an option. I guess I could also get four or five bins to put my bags in, but that seems like more clutter. I don't know. Suggestions?

I also want to paint the bedroom and my closet, but that's another project for another day. Or year. Or something. I weep.


  1. I have no advice but also have several shelves of shame. Sad.

  2. How about:

  3. Louise! You read my mind! I was thinking of some sort of hook system on the back of the closet door! You can also hang belt, scarves, etc on the backs of your doors. Lowes has nice hooks for super cheap.

  4. I second Louise's suggestion, but if that would put bags low enough to be in cat territory, what about a simple over-the-door hook rack? You can get a cute one for under $10 at Ross and use it for a few of bags (perfect for the RM clutch and Juicy tote, since they are flat) and also hang belts, chunky necklaces and scarves from it. Or is your closet big enough for some wall mounted hooks?

  5. Interesting! That hanger might work, but I think Nina might be right in that it would put bags too low. I do like the idea of a small over-the-door rack for a few bags/belts. I could also put more hooks in along the back of my closet wall, which would allow more bag hanging space. Great ideas, everyone. Thanks!


  7. HAHAHA. Put Stella in a CAGE! She will kill you in your sleep the second she escapes!

  8. Right? And she will kill me with parts of the cage, which will have taken her exactly 10 seconds to destroy.

  9. And then she will bury you in the backyard and make a nest on all of your bags.

  10. Yes, and then she will curl up on the bag nest and take a long blissful nap.

  11. Everybody already took my suggestion, so I'm just going to stare in awe at all your shoes.

  12. I use something like this...once everything is out of the bag, pretty much everything I have will fit standing up and not squished...the others are on the second link hanging on my wall like art!!

  13. Maybe you need to apply to be on this show That way the cats can just be retrained not to be interested in handbags in the first place.
    (I'm joking of course, but you should check it out anyway, it looks like it has the potential to be hi-larious).

  14. i like how you organized it!
    great blog btw ! lovely pics
    id love for you to check my blog out
    and dont forget to enter in my giveaway

  15. Kate, I am totally watching that show.

    Thanks for the great suggestions, everyone. I hope to have a re-organized closet to show you in a week or two.


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