Monday, July 19, 2010

Adrien: Weekend shopping and vacation

The sales are crazy this time of year but I also find that everything is so picked over that it's almost not even worth bothering. I went by Loft this weekend (still offering 50% off sale stuff!) and the few things I really liked weren't available in my size and the rest was the color of meh. I did try on this skirt:

Which I ADORE in theory, but on me it just didn't work. The fit was off and the pattern too stark. Probably for the best, but boo.

Nordstrom, however, always tempts me with their anniversary sale which is all about special pricing for new fall items and sale prices on year-round items that rarely get discounted. I am not quite ready to think about fall clothes but I did stock up on a certain brand of underthings* that are stupid-expensive at retail, but totally worth buying at nearly half-price.

Other than that, I didn't buy a thing because I'm about to go on vacation! I don't know that we've mentioned it but I'm actually going to Knoxville later this week to visit Marianne and a group of our mutual friends. We're going to be pretty busy drinking cocktails, lounging poolside and visiting Dollywood, but I'm sure we'll find time for some shopping too. We'll definitely bring the camera with us so you can see just how stupid it gets when we're together.

(Yes, that would be me, ruining the photo again.)

So much to look forward to! I can't wait to see everyone.

*sorry, you'll just have to figure this one out on your own as I'm not going to discuss my underpinnings on the Internets. Except for slips, which I already did talk about. Whatever. You gotta have boundaries.

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