Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Adrien: And then I took a header.

This is what I wore yesterday, the Monday After Vacation. I stepped out the door and immediately tripped and fell sprawled across the porch. Yes, it hurt. But I'm a trooper and didn't let it stop me from getting photos of my outfit:

My bruised knee almost exactly the same color as my belt and bag. I like to coordinate, don't you know:

dress: Old Navy
cardigan: Gap? Target? I don't remember.
belt: Ralph Lauren
shoes: Frye
bag: Marc Jacobs


  1. LOVE the stripes with the pops of red!

    You look fantastic!

  2. Aw, what a way to return from vacation! Hope you didn't get too hurt.

    I also love the pops of red in this outfit. Fantastic dress!


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