Monday, August 30, 2010

Challenge: Shopping-Free September

It's already been mentioned, but I've been feeling a little overwhelmed and overly acquisitive this summer. Possibly anthropologie's free shipping deals are what did me in, it was suddenly FAR too easy to justify purchases, especially with the great sales going on. But I've bought a few things that have languished in my closet, barely worn. This is really unlike me.

So what has happened? Well, this blog for one. It made it more fun to show off something new. But also, I was pregnant and had a baby in the past two years, and lost an additional 20 pounds after losing the baby weight. A lot of my clothes just don't fit any more (plus some of my favorite things were ruined in a flood).

But now fall is looming and I want a break. To clear my head and really take inventory of my wardrobe before making any rash purchases. To stop checking out sales and coveting things. Just for a little while.

So, i've been talking about this issue with Adrien, and she threw this little tidbit out there:

"Should we try to do a shopping ban for the month of September? Like, as a blog thing? Is that cruel?"

And, I ran with it:

"Ooh! We could! I was kind of planning to do that for myself anyway, but if we both do it it's a THEME. And it would lift in time for me to go to New York and maybe to be buying something." (this is the part where I need to tell you about my trip to New York. Soon)

Adrien responded:

"See? There you go. It would be a good blog theme for September! And would force us to "shop in our closets" and also push the new "looks better on you" section."

And I wrapped it up with:

"I think it's a great, idea, truly. It will help curb that early fall BUYBUYBUY impulse, will make us revisit things in our closets we've forgotten about, get rid of things we really don't wear, and set us up for the first wave of fall sales."

And that really is the point of this all, to rein in spending and bring our current wardrobes into focus. So here's the gauntlet: Adrien and Marianne are not shopping for the month of September. Bam.

So, what do you think? Want to join us? Think that we'll break? We love a good challenge.


  1. I love this idea... but I'm addicted to Fall so it will be a challenge... I have today and tomorrow so I better get out there... maybe a new pair of boots will keep me happy through the month!

  2. I'm joining you by default, because I'm doing the Great American Apparel Diet this year. I bet you'll make it just fine. Me, I'm not so sure about because I've got twelve times as much not-shopping to do and I'm feeling the temptation of fall items.

  3. I probably SHOULD do it because I went a little crazy buying stuff after y'all profiled me, but there are still a few things I want/need so we'll see. They'll probably still be around in October.

    I know I owe y'all some pictures and I promise I'll do them soon!!

  4. If I didn't desperately need fall clothing, I would. I never have a hard time w/summer or spring but hate shopping for fall and winter and am always wearing the same two things all season. It leads to grumpiness.

  5. I'm not sure I can join in. I've been selling a lot of my clothes and shoes on ebay, and planning to sell a lot more, so I'm going to need some new things! But it feels good to make money on ebay, rather than spending it! Maybe I'll be able to not spend in September, and then buy fall stuff in October? Hopefully the weather will permit me wearing some of my summer/spring stuff for a bit longer, or whatever is left after my ebay selling!

  6. This is a brilliant idea; however since I can't wear shorts and a BR tank to my company's annual sales meeting the first week in October, I believe shopping for some grown-up clothes is in order this month. Sigh.


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