Friday, September 3, 2010

Marianne: My Martha Graham Outfit

My mother told me that I looked like Martha Graham today. I tend to think it's more "off duty wannabe ballet teacher, but I'll take it.
That's the only picture, and it might as well be entitled "Tired" so I thought I'd throw in some prettiness from the real Martha Graham. Oh, to have this grace. Lordy.


  1. You do look a little ballet teacherish, but I've always loved that look so I think you look great. Where did you get that black dress? Because it is perfect.

    Are you as ready for the long weekend as I am? Sheesh, I'm exhausted.

  2. I forgot to put in where everything is from, but the dress is ancient Max Studio. Like, seriously ancient...I think it's 7 years old? Not helpful.


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