Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Marianne: My Secret Shame UPDATE!

Let's start by revisiting my secret shame, shall we? I'll wait.

What a mess, right? Well, thanks to your suggestions I set out in search of some industrial bookends and a mess of 3M hooks. But then my Enterprising Husband got involved, and I have to admit, his solutions were far cheaper and more attractive. I don't want to keep you waiting any longer, so behold, the after:

What we have here are a series of double hooks screwed in at various heights. The hooks in the back are hardest to reach, so they hold out of season or rarely carried bags. On the sides are bags I carry more often. Then, Enterprising Husband built removable shelf dividers to keep my clutches upright and organized.
Remember the sad, sad pile of cardigans? EH strikes again with another removable shelf liner. And yes, years of working retail means I can still fold a mean sweater.
Belts were an issue in the past so I just moved them to the closet proper, on their own belt hanger. A $5 solution that has made my life infinitely easier.
Chris' handy shelf dividers and hooks left me with MORE shelf space. For now they are holding a canvas box filled with silk scarves, and workout clothes/gym bag on the bottom. But I'm toying with the idea of finding a wire basket that can hold flip flops and the like, since those clutter up the bottom of my closet.
But that, my friends, is another story for another day. What do you think about my (okay, my husband's) solution to my storage issue? Pretty neat, eh?


  1. It looks fantastic! And I'm feeling inspired!

  2. Looks great! I'm an organization freak so these things make me giddy. :)

  3. It looks soooo good! You're husband did a great job with those dividers! Love it!


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