Thursday, September 30, 2010

Marianne: Shopping-Free September, farewell.

Here we are, folks, the last day of our Month Long Shopping Ban. I thought it would be appropriate to check in with an update.

Well, I made it! I purchased exactly zero clothing or accessories for myself this month. Not only did I not shop, I've made a tidy sum by selling things I no longer wear. Was it hard? To be honest, not really. The only real pang I had was when I cam across a great dress at a consignment shop. It would be a great addition to my wardrobe and I really liked it, and it was a fantastic deal. But you know what? If it's not there when I go back this weekend? It just wasn't meant to be.

This has been a great experience for me. I've always been an all-or-nothing kind of girl, in fact I also took on a personal ban on sweets in September. You know, just to add some extra torture. But really, this month broke me of constantly browsing and finding fault with my wardrobe. It broke me of buying something because it was a great deal, not because I really needed it. And it broke me of after-dinner cookies. All good things.

So, what am I going to do now? As we move into October, I'm not swearing off shopping any more. There are a few genuine gaps in my wardrobe thanks to weight loss, etc. But I'm inspired to shop "outside of the box". I found a great consignment store that carries beautiful clothing at great prices. I might even venture into thrifting, though just the thought makes me a little anxious. We shall see. Baby steps.

What about you? How do you "shop outside the box"? Or do you only thrift and buy second hand? I want to know!


  1. I love second hand shopping, it can be alot of fun if you set aside the right amount of time for it!

  2. I've never had much luck at thrifting (though I did find a great Ann Taylor skirt at Goodwill once for only $5!), but I generally have pretty good luck at consignment shops. I have a new one that I love -- my only rule is that I don't tell anyone who is my size about it. Only people who are bigger or smaller than me! LOL!

  3. Congrats on getting through September!
    I just got into thrifting and I am officially obsessed!

    Goodwill has been the best so far. They're clean and have decent dressing rooms. They also have 1/2 off days of certain color tags too. I just got 2 pairs of super nice trousers (vintage Isaac Mizrahi & Ann Taylor for $5 total!)

    Don't expect to find something every time you go. It's more of a pop in when you think about it and get lucky kinda thing. There's tons of kids clothes too for $1!

    There are a few high end consignment shops in Richmond I'm hope to check out soon! Have fun hunting!

  4. I started shopping at thrift stores in college and 15 years later I still buy most of my clothes there. The key is to go often.

    I am fortunate that I have a few good thrift shops on my route home from work so I can stop in every few weeks.

    Other than that, I shop only on the sale racks. It kills me to pay full price for anything.

  5. Congratulations on making it through!

  6. I think the time commitment with thrifting, with often no payoff, is what overwhelms me. As it is I work and have a kid and let's face it, shopping online is a godsend. But I'm really going to try, at least consignment for now. True thrifting may come eventually. I love reading everyone's tips!

  7. I am of two minds with thrifting. For one, I spent most of high school, college and the lean years after college buying all my clothes in thrift stores and I think I'm just hesistant to go back to it. It's so much WORK. And, if I find something great, it's not my size. I do enjoy a good consignment store, though. Much less stressful.

  8. I am so happy your shopping ban was over.
    I wish I could do thrift stores, but I honestly don't have the patience or really the time. I did stumble across a totally cute and fun June Cleaver style dress at a thrift store that I bought right off the mannequin, but I haven't worked up the nerve to wear it quite yet.


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