Thursday, October 14, 2010

Adrien: More Panic Shopping.

Okay, so remember last month when we did a reader makeover and I suggested a certain BCBG dress? It was a dress I liked enough that I actually clicked through my own link hoping to order it, only to discover it wasn't available in my size. Boo.

Then last week, I got an email from my friend Kate's sister Maureen who was all, THAT BCBG DRESS IS ON IDEELI TODAY GO GO GO.  If there's one thing I'm really good at it's following directions, so I went went went and I bought it so quick I barely had time to think it over. More panic shopping! But I'm glad I didn't hesitate because OMG IT IS GOOD:

For one thing, do you know how hard it is to find a good dress with long sleeves? Hard.

For another, the colors are amazing:

dress: BCBG (similar)
bag: Marc Jacobs Blake (similar, also this )
shoes: Frye (similar)
tights: Spanx Tight-End


  1. ooooh pretty! It looks great on you!!! This panic shopping is hilarious! I do it all the time!

  2. I LOVE this! Gorgeous dress and I adore your haircut. I have been out of the blog loop lately but and excited to catch up.

  3. The dress is on TODAY for $59!!!


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