Monday, November 8, 2010

Adrien: Workout Stuff I Like.

I wrote about this subject on my fitness blog, but I've had some new wantiness when it comes to workout clothes and I thought I'd share them with you so you can all purse your lips and think, "Goodness! She spent how much on a tank top?"

But in my defense, I buy really good workout clothes for the following reasons:

  • I work out a lot. Like, six days a week a lot. (Not bragging, just obsessed.)
  • Good quality lasts longer. I have been disappointed in every single fitness apparel item I've ever bought from Target or Old Navy.
  • The good stuff makes me look good. When I look good, I feel good and when I feel good I have better workouts. Win win.
  • Old baggy cotton t-shirts don't wick, people. 

So! I'm pretty obsessed with Lululemon. I have three tanks that I rotate and also a really freaking adorable top that weighs nothing and wicks like, whoa:

I also have a few pairs of crops that sort of suck me in and make me look like a tighter, trimmer more asstastic version of myself:

LOVE. Worth every single penny.

For fall,  I just ordered this tank because it's really hard to find tanks that are a little higher-cut for spinning class:

Plus, how great is that color?

The other night I threw on my old Nike workout jacket, caught myself in the mirror and was horrified,  because, damn. It's saaaad. All pilled and shrunken and wow, time for a new one. I started checking out the jackets on Lululemon and really loved this one:

But even I have my limits and I'll be dammed if I'm going to spend over $100 on a glorified hoodie. Just can't do it no matter how cute and well-made it is. So then I started poking around on other websites and remembered that the Gap has a fitness line! And they're currently selling this for $59:

Casual Jackets by Gap at ShopStyle

THAT is more like it. Plus, I know I'll get an email another 20-40% off deal for the Gap at some point, so that makes it much more affordable. I'd probably get in in grey or black because it'll be more versatile, though the blue is pretty sweet. The site reviews sound pretty good, so I think I'll check it out in-store next week.

So tell me. Do you think it's crazy to spend money on workout clothes? Am I justified in my insanity? If you also love Lululemon, please be sure to check out the Lululemon Addict blog. She knows her stuff!


  1. Not crazy at all! I run outdoors 3-4 times per week and, imo, good running gear means a good run. I want somethng that wicks and supports! Plus, baggy cotton gets chafey :S My favourite gear is from Lululemon - the have the best running tights!

  2. I'm totally in the middle of a major taking stock of my workout clothes and deciding where to go from here. I have some COLD 10ks coming up (including one, in Feb, that runs almost entirely along the beach in Massachusetts? Oof.) and I'm going to freeze my ass off if I don't plan properly but I'm also Shorty McShorterson and most pants in my inseam are online only. Alas. But I am bigtime inside a workout clothing rethink and that blue jacket is lovely. PS do you have any thoughts on gloves? Okay bye.

  3. Pamela just FYI, Lululemon will hem pants/crops/whatever for free! (For those prices they should also come do your taxes, but whatever.)

    I don't workout outside, except for biking, so I have no glove advice unless you want bike gloves.

  4. It's not crazy at all. Because I work out at home I fell into the bad habit of wearing those non-wicking t-shirt. I've only recently upgraded to the workout apparel at Target. How sad that the wicking properties of Target gym clothes were such a revelation!

  5. I have just recently upgraded my workout wear as well, and for all the same reasons you have!

    But hey listen, if you want a discount on Athleta -- which NEVER happens -- I've got one, 30% off, for use next weekend (11th - 14th). You like? (this goes for the rest of the commenters as well -- just post your email & I'll send it to ya)

  6. I agree with all points. If I look good, I feel good, and if I feel good, I get a better workout. I like Nike, Athleta, and Lucy workout wear for quality, style, comfort, and fit reasons. A nasty bout of underarm chafing after a run this summer cured me of Targetwear forever. (I was wearing Nike running shorts with a Target top. No chafing with the shorts.)

    Oh! My major splurge is Balega socks. They are a hug for your feet, and I refuse to work out in anything else. These amazing socks are completely worth the price at $10 per pair.

  7. Oh man, 6 days a week? I'm lucky if I work out once a week, so I don't mind buying Old Navy/Target work out gear... I'm not too hard on my work out clothes (in other words, I don't work out very hard, haha) so I guess for me it lasts awhile. I got a couple of lululemon things from the outlet awhile ago but even with sale/outlet prices, I can't justify spending so much on things I rarely wear! But yes, they are lovely and I feel fabulous when I wear them. :)

  8. Gleemonex, yes please! That is unheard of!

    Malissa, where do you find these magic socks?

  9. Asstastic. I will be using this ALL THE TIME. Awesome.


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