Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Marianne: Twinz.

Yes, it's true. You've seen this dress before, but not on ME. Truth is, I coveted it when Adrien bought it, and a couple of weeks ago my friend Molly bought it for even cheaper and then it didn't work on her. People, it's like I HAD to buy it. But when I first got it, I wasn't sure. I took these pictures, and'll see.
You guys, that's just sad.
Someone get this poor girl a bed. But the more I looked at the pictures, the more I thought the dress worked, just maybe not as well as it worked on Adrien. It's short on me, yes, but I wouldn't wear it without tights anyway. So, take two. Only these pictures are blurry and strangely cropped. Thanks, dear.
What's that? You'd like a close-up? Thanks to my darling husband I can oblige.
Love the dress, though. I'm 99% sure I love it, at least. I still wish it were two inches longer. What do you think?

dress: BCBG (similar here)
tights: Calvin Klein
boots: Frye Lisa (similar here)


  1. Cute dress on both of you... I don't think the length is an issue with tights at all. But, you should go with what your comfortable in :)

  2. I love it, but I like it better with the gray tights that you're wearing in the later pictures. You need to ask yourself the hard question -- will you wear it? Even though you really feel like it's too short?

    Still, totally cute.

  3. Totally cute! I really like it with the grey tights and black boots.

  4. I love it on both of you. Now I have to actually wear mine!

  5. I think it looks great! I wish it weren't so low cut, or I would hunt one down for myself.

  6. I love it! I agree with Iris that the length looks fine from here. :)

  7. Aw, thanks guys. I will say that I got an unprecedented number of compliments on it, so I am thinking it's a keeper.

  8. I love the dress. So cute!!

  9. I love this dress - definitely a keeper.

  10. Found you via GGC - it looks GREAT on you!!! Keep it!

  11. Congrats on your Good Wear Days win! Great dress!

  12. love the dress!! congrats on your GGC win - you totally deserve it in this dress


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