Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Adrien: Outfit of the Day - Year in Review

Sometimes I'll go back and try to figure out if I've already worn an outfit before I post, because I do tend to wear the same combinations over and over again. (You know what'll cure that laziness? Posting outfit photos on the Internet every day.) Sometimes I'm pleased with what I see and sometimes I'm a little horrified. But, that's what this is all about, right? Trying stuff until you figure out what works for you.

I went through every one of my Outfit of the Day posts and picked some of my favorite and some of my not-so-favorites looks.


Not so much:

Ouch. So, what do you think? Do you have a favorite? Is there something I wear that makes you cringe? Because it probably makes me cringe too, especially if that thing is my hair. (Damn, that bob was doing me no favors.)


  1. So many of them are so fabulous! I really love the final dress with the matching bag and the postcard stamp skirt with the MJ bag. But it is hard to pick just one. It was a very good year!

  2. There's a theme in the ones you don't like -- t-shirt tucked into skirt with nothing else at the waist. Maybe you need to do some belting. Though you have one of those in your faves as well, so, who knows.

    I personally love the dress in that last one. I think it just needs a shorter cardigan. Perhaps in magenta.

  3. Jess, thanks! You make me feel a bit better about the ones I wasn't so crazy about.

    I do really like the final dress, just not the outfit as a whole. I have worn that dress a few times and it really does need a shorter cardigan.

    Cynthia, you're right! Belting is something I definitely struggle with, so I tend to try and skip it with bad results.

  4. three and six (favorites) are my favorite, and three and six (not so much) are my least favorite.

  5. #2 on your Not so much list is so pretty!! That whole outfit looks adorable to me.

  6. The one with the pink and black shirt I had in 1980. Ask your sister!

  7. I thought the bob was smart as hell.

  8. I love your new haircut but I really loved the bob, too! Seriously.

  9. All of your favorites are fabulous!

  10. Nothing at all wrong with that bob. I think the new haircut has become even better with a little length. It suits you well.

    #2 and #3 on the not-so-favorite list are very cute.

    I'm not in love with that red skirt from the favorites, though everything else is fantastic.

  11. Yeah, that bob was great. Don't diss the bob. One thing that's obvious, you don't like dressing in warm weather. I'm the same way... hot and gross and just don't feel like giving things an extra dose of accessorizing.

  12. The bob was great when it was great, but when it wasn't it was really helmet-y and awful. But thanks, y'all.

    And actually, I love warm weather a lot but dressing for cold weather is more fun. Mostly because of boots.


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