Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Marianne: Fancy.

I'm not going to name names, but SOMEONE won a fancy schmancy award at work and decided to get a little dressed up for the company meeting where said awards were being announced.
Here's the thing...I love this skirt. It's high waisted with a bit of a bustle, handmade in PARIS for crying out loud, and I bought it on my honeymoon. But with this particular outfit, now that I see the pictures, I wish I had worn more of a pencil skirt, and shown a bit more leg. Or maybe a higher heel?
This is the face I make when my husband teases me.
I usually find this skirt flattering, but I really think it makes me look wide here. I am now on a mission for a shorter, more fitted black skirt.
Check the fantastic patterned tights and disco-fabulous shoes. They are a little ballroom dancing/I've Had The Time Of My Life, but I love them.
top: LOFT (similar here)
cardigan: Limited
skirt: Lea-Anne Wallis (via HEAVEN in Paris)
shoes: Frye Lisa


  1. I don't think you look wide, I think you look fantastic!

    BUT, now I'm going to have to hurt you because you've put Reba's (or Reber as I like to call her) Fancy stuck in my head. Here's your one chance Fancy don't let me doooowwn!

  2. I don't think you look wide either! You look wonderful and, as always, I covet your hair.

  3. I'm pretty sure I've seen the face in the second picture before! I've been the cause of it, actually.

    I love that skirt! It's so cute on you.

  4. Man you don't look wide at all. You look great! Congratulations on the award!

  5. I don't think it's that the skirt is making you look wide - you have pretty much the same body as me, so I'm guessing this looks better without the cardigan, when your waist would be more highlighted. (I have the same problem all the time! Bloody cold weather.)


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