Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Marianne: Brave.

Hello there. Unsurprisingly, the New Year has found me with an assortment of dull finance-related resolutions of sort, meaning what little shopping I do is pretty much off the table but as one last hurrah, I found this gorgeous, handmade, wool/cashmere Cynthia Rowley coat at T.J. Maxx for a steal ($49!).
It fits me like it was made for me, and I don't own a brown coat, so it was fate, don't you think?
I love the lines, the hidden button placket, and the fabulously dramatic collar.
The dress is a repeat, and yes, I purposefully wore brown and black together, and I liked it. However, one of my friends told me I was "brave" for mixing the two together. I can't wait to see the statue erected in my honor.
Like Adrien, I have some Sartorial Resolutions of my own:

No shopping in January and February.
Period. Well, with one exception, if I find a pair of brown dress boots on sale for under $100, I have to get them. But this has proven to be impossible, so really no shopping.
Clean out my closet.
Get rid of things that don't fit but I have held on to anyway. Box up anything so sentimental that I can't get rid of it, and put into storage. (On this note, does anyone else hold on to clothes that were investments but aren't your style any more? Just me? Carry on.)

Take care of the pile of clothes waiting to be mended/altered/dry cleaned.
It's embarrassing. And possibly starting to smell.
Get out of my fashion rut.
Winter is hard for me. I hate the cold and I fall into wearing different versions of the same outfit over and over again. Already this winter I can see the pattern--leggings or jeggings, a tunic-y sweater, boots. Over. And over. And over again. It doesn't make for interesting content here, I don't feel like I'm made any sort of effort, and I need to snap out of it. We have a solid 2 months of winter left, at the least, and let's face it: leggings are just sweatpants you can wear out of the house without feeling like George Costanza.
What do you think? I think this is all pretty doable, but I might be singing a different tune in a month when pretty spring clothes are coming out and I hate everything in my closet. Hmm.


  1. That coat was a great find, you brave soul!

    I like the sartorial resolutions you have made. It always helps to put things down on paper. Good luck with everything :)

  2. Yay, great coat! You are totally my HERO.

  3. Beautiful brown coat! I'm realizing I need a good everyday winter coat other than my North Face.

  4. Beautiful coat - definitely fate. Your resolutions sounds very reasonable! Good luck :)

  5. Love the collar on that coat!!!
    Geez, I am so with you on getting out of the winter uniform rut but honestly, I see no dressier alternative that still lets me function without tugging at my clothes all day. Ha! George Costanza!

  6. I am also in love with that coat.

    My new year's clothing resolution is to stop buying clothes online. I did a fair amount of it in 2010 and I was unhappy with a good bit of it. not the stuff I bought from y'all, but the stuff I bought from online retailers. Also, I need to lose a good 20 lbs. before I buy anything new.


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