Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Adrien: Best Bargain EVER.

Oh, I'm so excited to post this. I just returned from a whirlwind visit to see Marianne & Co. where we worked very hard on our plan for world blog domination the future of the blog. Do you like our new masthead? (We have lots of great outtakes coming from that photo session, let me tell you!)

And of course we did some shopping. Marianne took me to the awesome weird shoe store (more on that soon) and we also hit up a few consignment shops. The first was a bit of a dud but the second? Score city. Score score score. SCORE.

We combed the racks and I was trying on my finds with not much luck. Then, Marianne knocked on my dressing room door and when I opened it she was holding up a dress all, !!!!!!!!

She pointed first at the label, then the price tag. My brain could not make sense of what I was seeing:

Label: Issa London
Price tag: $12.50

I tried that dress on so fast I'm surprised it didn't catch on fire. Then I clutched it tight in my paws until they rung it up just in case they realized they'd priced a designer item less than the Limited dress it was hanging next to. Such a great find! (Thanks again, Marianne! I mean.) Even though I don't yet own the shoes I envision wearing it with, here it is:

Why will this necklace never behave? (And why do I never notice in time?)

dress: Issa London (similar style)
shoes: Sam Edelman (similar)
bag: Marc by Marc Jacobs Hillier Hobo
necklace: Banana Republic
watch: La Mer


  1. Ahhh! It's perfect on you! Love that little scrunched detail.
    Can't wait to hear more about your trip!
    Love the masthead too!

  2. beautiful dress!you look gorgeous!!!

  3. O
    That is the steal of the century. It looks AMAZING on you. Like cartoon-wolf-inducing greatness!

    Also, I love love love the new blog header. It looks so great and I love that it is actually you two! Can't wait to see the outtakes.

  4. you GUYS. The creepy mail guy just complimented the dress and now (per the rules set by me and Nina) I have to burn it. I'm so sad.

  5. Why does he have to ruin everything?

    But seriously, I wish everyone could have seen my face when I saw this dress. I just about puked.

  6. Very nice---total gorgeousness!

  7. Ohhhhh so pretty! I am a fashion ignoramus and haven't even heard of half the designers you guys talk about on here, but I know a great dress that looks beautiful on a human being when I see it. Lucky girl!

  8. nah, burn the mailman instead...ugh!!

    Gorgeous find-that's why it's good to go shopping in pairs!

  9. What?! That's incredible. It's perfect on you, and so pretty. I love the colors and the little knots. What an amazing score! Well done, Marianne. Can I borrow her next time I go shopping?

  10. Love the new masthead...and- score on the dress! I love the colors- so perfect for spring.

  11. Super new masthead & super new dress! If I can be so bold as to say (and please note I'm straight, married and a non-creeper) - rockin' bod lady! :)

  12. Ha, thanks, dajana! And thanks for all the nice comments. Y'all are my jam.

  13. Gorgeous! I love the second gather. No way you can burn this dress- or even sell it!

  14. That is the best score ever! I have a few Issa dresses (all bought on sale) and I've never gotten one below $100, much less freakin' $12.50!

    I love you in that dress, by the way, the colors are fabulous on you.


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