Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Adrien: Oops.

So, I've been re-evaluating and purging with a goal in mind. Normally when I have one big thing I want to buy I'm able to be really focused. I returned most of the purchases I was hesitant about (sorry, Frye shoes) and wasn't too upset when the Ann Taylor trench sold out before I could re-buy it even cheaper. Eyes on the prize, yo.

But, when I was killing time in Old Navy last week (normally a store that doesn't tempt me) I stumbled across this:

It's internet-only and I'd had my eye on it for a long, long time. But it was never...quite cheap enough to tempt me. However, because this one was an internet return (in my size!), it was marked an additional 50% off the sale price. Yeah. It came home with me and I promptly wore it the entire next day. I haven't had a leather jacket in well over ten years! It's surprisingly nice too - soft washed leather,cool wide collar, fits just right.

Keep in mind: this is absolutely the wrong outfit to wear it with, but I wanted to show you guys anyway:


And my outfit, just for kicks:


dress: Target (similar)
necklace: Charming Charlie (super expensive similar version here)
shoes: Chie Mihara (Miz Mooz version here)
bag: Marc Jacobs Blake (similar)
jacket: Old Navy (similar cotton version here)


  1. I love this jacket. I love it so much more than the trench and Fryes combined!

  2. very cute shoes!!! love the dress too.

  3. Love the cut of this dress. It looks easy to wear much like the other one you have should be.

  4. Agree with Lisa! Love that collar! Hate you for getting such a great deal! (j/k)

  5. I'm really intrigued about this goal. Please share!

  6. Love the leather jacket and I think it goes great with your dress!

  7. Thanks! It's way cuter with jeans, but not too bad with a dress! I love it a lot.


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