Monday, May 2, 2011

Marianne: Stormy Weather.

So...yeah. After my last post, we had a little storm. Which took my previous internet outage and raised it 4+ days of power outage, roof damage, and blown out skylights. It could have been so much worse, and for that I am thankful. But fashion was not really on my mind, as evidenced by the below.
Y'all, we are pretty worn out over here.
But things seem to be calming down. Insurance is giving us a new roof and skylights, the fridge is cleaned out, and now it's May. Enough with the April Showers, yes? Time for some flowers.
Hi there, inappropriate for work, jeans hole! Sigh.

rainbow seersucker top: vintage
jeans: Paper, Denim + Cloth (very old, similar here)
shoes: Miz Mooz Rain Clogs


  1. love your jeans!perfect outfit!xoxo

  2. Ugh. Sorry about your roof, very glad it was not worse! I didn't realize you're in the area that got hit.

  3. So sorry to hear about your property damage, but I'm glad you and your family are safe.

  4. Wow, sorry to hear about the property damage. Hubs and I are new owners and swooning from the costs of- well, of everything! As I type there is a repairman here, scratching his head about some of the fixtures. Gah!

  5. Homeownership is trying, to be sure. I hope it's not too bad.

    And thanks everyone.

  6. So sorry about your roof. Yeah, it's been pretty tough for the past weeks 'coz of the bad weather. Really bad. Good thing the insurance is giving you a new roof. Just seeing the news really makes me sad.


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