Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Adrien: Shorty.

I struggle with shorts. I hate buying them because I don't generally like spending much on weekend clothes, but I live in the south so they're a necessity. I have a hard time finding shorts that don't make me feel a) dumpy or b) like my ass is hanging out. There is a fine line!

Last weekend Kate and I did a little torture shopping by hitting the Trifecta of Terrible: bras, swimsuits and shorts. Oh my God, did I need a drink after that. I think I tried on six different pairs of shorts - all which were terrible. Terrible! Laughable.

I'd seen a pair I liked at the Gap, but they didn't have my size:

Plus Pants & Shorts by Gap at ShopStyle

They are a little weird, right? But compelling? So much more fun than my usual sad, neutral choice. And then I saw them on Kendi and wanted them even more. WANT. I finally went back and found a pair in my size and they were on sale, so I bought them. And now I have them. But the question is, should I keep them?

Be honest with me. Am I pulling this off or are they too...something. Young? Shorty-short? (I should note that I'd probably wear them with flat sandals IRL. I was just too lazy to change my shoes for the photo.)


  1. I think they look really nice on you! Honestly! Yeah, flats for sure!

    You definitely have the legs for them and for crying out loud it's hot as hell in Richmond! I say keep em!

  2. Keep them! You worked hard for those legs so why not show them a bit?

  3. I think they look fine but not amazing. I really like the belt that Kendi used to style the shorts. Do you have a cool belt you could wear with them? Maybe that could turn them into amazing. Also, I think it's important to ask yourself how you feel in them. Do you feel comfortable and chic? if yes, then keep 'em and if not, return them.

  4. Keep. You have great legs and these shorts really feature them nicely!

  5. Oh, also I don't think they're too young or too short. I just think the way you've styled them, they come across a bit 'masculine'. (Hope that doesn't sound harsh....just trying to give you honest feedback.) Do you have a more feminine top (lighter in fabric and/or color) you could wear with them? Also, I like them with heels, but perhaps not with black heels. Of course flats are fine too.

  6. Ha! Okay, honestly, I wasn't styling them so much as throwing them on before work. I'm a fan of black (and the shorts pattern is black/white/turquoise) but I will definitely experiment with other colors. The belt ain't gonna happen though. (Cute on Kendi, but not realistic on me.) Thanks for the feedback!

  7. There's no aesthetic reason for you not to wear these. You've got the legs for it, they fit you, etc.

    That said, this is a shorts length that I find awkward and bisect-y, and so if you don't feel wonderful wearing them, return! I've found out by experience that I'm happiest with a shorts policy of a couple of inches above the knee and other pairs tend to not get worn.

    I like them with the black, too. They seem made for pairing with black or white.

  8. I like them! But I think I would like them better with something more flowy on top (especially if that something flowy was sleeveless or had 3/4 sleeves - I have a thing about shorts with t-shirts, but there is absolutely no logic behind it).

  9. Oh man, I feel your pain, because I struggle so SO much with finding shorts that balance between making me look like a mean guard in a women's prison and making me look 16. I've completely given up on shorts, and retreated into skirts and dresses.

    That said, you look like neither of those things here, so I think you should keep them. They're cute and different!

  10. I adore your Louis Vuitton bag, I read it was vintage, where did you get it? In a store or at your grandmother's or sth? :)

    About the shorts, your legs look really great in them, but they're not really my style, but the more I look at them, the more I start liking them! So you should probably keep them :)

  11. I think the only thing that was bothering me is the shoes with them. When I scroll and leave the shoes out I love them on you. Try it. Scroll and crop out your feet they look great so I think they would look great with a flat sandal!

  12. To be honest, they look a bit like mens boxers or kind of 50's mens swim trunks, and are a bit tight at the front. Then again I am checking out your blog because I am after style tips - so maybe I am not the best advice-giver here!

  13. I think you look lovely with the short, you legs are wonderful in it !
    I have also problems with shorts and mini skirts, my skin is not so pretty anymore when I was 20 :-( and I looooove mini !

  14. Duh to keeping them!! You totally rock those shorts! Adorable!!

  15. Thanks for all the feedback! Always appreciated.

  16. If I had legs like yours I would wear shorts every day. Or a bikini.

  17. I vote yes. There's no question that you're pulling them off, they're adorable.


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