Thursday, August 25, 2011

Marianne: Scissor Happy.

Sooo, last weekend we took a little trip to South Carolina to visit my sister's in-law's mountain lake cabin. Yes, I said last weekend. What, you expect me to tell you when I'm leaving town? Stalkers.
Anyway, I haven't been happy with these jeans in a while. I am always wanting them to be a little longer, with a straighter leg, and it was starting to piss me off. And then, wishing for a pair of cutoffs for the lake...
There you go. Not perfect, but fine. I will resume my search for the perfect white jeans next spring. For now, they were an easy thing to wear in a pretty place.
Though they stain ridiculously easily. Oh well.
top: J. Crew Coastline Stripe Tee in Warm Flame (bought at the outlet for 1/3 the price, y'all)
shorts: Ralph Lauren, cut off (similar here)


  1. crack me up. I have jeans that I want to take the scissors to too but I feel like a murderer if I did. So you're sayin if I cut them off and make shorts out of them, I won't need therapy after?? :-) thanks for the smile.

    You look adorable and the lake looks pretty.

  2. Thank you! I don't think I could take the plunge with expensive jeans, but these were $30 from TJ Maxx so I figured I had nothing to lose. Plus they had a stain on the back of one knee that I couldn't get out.

  3. worries...I don't own any expensive jeans. I'm a cheap ass especially when my old ass body keeps changing, why invest? 101 ways to rid of stains.... #1, when in doubt, cut it out or off? Don't you wish you could do that with other clothings too? Yea....

  4. I love it! They look great as cutoffs and that top is too cute. The scenery is lovely where you are/were!


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