Monday, August 15, 2011

Marianne: Stubborn.

Okay, FINE, I keep trying to prove Adrien wrong. I think this is a better attempt at least. What do you think?
I have a little secret: she visited this weekend and may or may not have bought another denim skirt. MWAHAHAHAHAAA. (okay, it's really, really cute)

These sandals are starting to fall apart, and I will miss them.
denim skirt: J. Crew (similar here)
tank: Forever 21 (similar here)
jersey cardigan: Forever 21 (similar here)
bracelets: homemade
shoes: Cynthia Vincent for Target (similar here)

1 comment:

  1. Cute sandals, and I'm all googly-eyed over your matching toenails.


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