Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Adrien: So Much Weather.

Hi! I'm back, y'all. The past week has been a little rough what with the hurricane that took our power out for a solid week. I am pretty sure those are outfits nobody would want to see, so I just decided to wait until things were back to normal. Then I woke up this morning and it was pouring down rain, which always makes me want to stand outside and get my picture taken. NO. But I did it anyway because rain = new awesome jacket getting worn. Hooray! (I should apologize now for how sick of this jacket you're going to be in a few months.)

jacket: J Crew Downtown Field Jacket
pants: Banana Republic (similar)
sandals: Frye (similar)
bag: vintage LV (similar)


  1. I've been through the week-without-power thing after a tornado, so I KNOW how fun that is. Sorry you had to go through it, and glad to see you back again!

  2. Have you started doing the mountain of laundry yet? 6 loads today already between my family, David and I. I'm still not done. Effin ridiculous.

    You look adorable and I LOVE that jacket!

  3. Yikes, I'm sorry about your power going out for so long. Glad your back in action again, and I love your new rain jacket. I wish we could get some rain here so I could wear a cute rain coat (and to put out all of these wild fires, of course).

  4. great jacket (i won't get sick of it)!

  5. Thanks! I love it so much.

    Mich, be safe!

    Lara, my whole weekend was laundry. So. Much. Laundry.

  6. Adrien, I'm sick of the rain too. Glad you have your power back! Damn hurricane season. LOVE that jacket!


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