Thursday, December 15, 2011

Adrien: Devil Dress Again.

This dress is such a pain in the ass but when I can get it to work, it really, really works. I first wore is here and then tried again here. But, I think this variation is the most successful and I've finally got photos that show it's true color. (See? This dress is work.)

dress: Banana Republic (similar)
cardigan: Gap ribbed drape sweater
necklace: Ann Taylor (similar)
boots: Camper (similar)
bag: vintage LV (similar)


  1. Love the dress on you. Very nice outfit. The red bag is such a nice hit of colour too.

  2. You make that dress look like a million bucks! You look so great in that dress I'm checking (again) to see if the blog will let me post. But even if it won't post, I'll send you thought-signals that you should wear this dress all the damn time because you rock it completely.



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