Friday, December 2, 2011

Marianne: Repeat.

What do you do when you have a cardigan that you pretty much want to wear All. The. Time? If you're me, you panic shop and buy it in another color.
And then, if you're me, you start to wonder if you should buy it in the remaining colors, because it's $30 and so warm and comfortable.
Unrelated: I might be selling these jeans, which are miraculous and flattering and wonderful, but the low rise is starting to hurt my soul a little. I just can't decide.
top: Target, no longer available
shoes: Chie Mihara (similar here)


  1. I'm so glad you posted this because Anthro had one very similar that I loved (but not at their price). So now I can go snap this up!

  2. I have cardigan envy. I love that! Also, I always think this but often forget to say it but you have the most amazing hair.

  3. Oh gosh, you are sweet! Now, everyone go get yourself one of these cardigans! They are so cheap.

  4. Hellls YEAH with the gray one! WOO!


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