Monday, March 19, 2012

Adrien: Running out of clothes

This weather is confusing me. It feels like summer (which I love) but my closet is still full of winter. I also have tights-separation anxiety. But, I am a trooper and I dug deep to try to find one of last summer's t-shirts to wear with my favorite leopard skirt. And I guess now I have to pull out all my summer stuff? Its making me a feel a little faint. Anyway:

t-shirt: Gap (similar)
skirt: Ann Taylor (similar here)
jacket: Banana Republic
necklace: JCrew Starry Locket (similar)
shoes: Chie Mihara (similar)
bag: Marc by Marc Jacobs (similar)
bracelets: Giles & Brothers Skinny Railroad Spike cuff (regular version here)


  1. I love how the shoes kind of mimic the print in the skirt. Very cute outfit!

  2. Classic :)

  3. OK. I need the back story on how you ladies manage to afford Chie Mihara shoes. I've noticed them liberally sprinkled throughout your blog. Did you go undercover and raid a warehouse? Or are you independently wealthy? Because those are some Big Bux shoes ....

    1. Nope, not wealthy or thieving! I have three pairs of Chies, two of which I've had for 3+ years. All three were purchased well below retail (which involves some stalking/coupon code action.) The first pair was a gift, the second bought on ebay and the third pair I talk about here:

      my general philosophy on spending more for quality shoes is here:

      I hope that helps!

  4. I live in Louisville and had to break out my bare legs this week, too. I told my co-workers--you're going to have to get used to them eventually, might as well get an early start and get it over with :)

  5. You don't even know what I would give for no tights right now... even if it means shaving more than twice a week. This nice weather everywhere but Alberta is killing me!
    And those shoes are beautiful and well worth the time and effort spent stalking.

  6. You look chic and classic, lady. I love me a good animal print pencil skirt and that's a good'er.

    p.s. I'm totally going to use the term "tights separation anxiety." (:

  7. Oh! I have that skirt! I love it as well but never know what color tops to wear with it. Do you think you could do another post about the skirt? pretty please...?

    Either way, I love y'all's blog. And your skirt. :)

    1. Aw, thanks! We love that you are reading and commenting. I've worn this skirt quite a few times in the past:

      Hope this helps!

  8. I really love this skirt on you and then with the jacket, you really pulled it all together. Beautiful!


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