Thursday, March 8, 2012

Marianne: EYES.

Oh, THE HORROR. Okay, let me back up. I haven't forgotten that some of you wanted before-and-after shots of my new favorite $5 mascara. Oh no, I remembered. I've just been too busy staring at my makeup-less mole eyes, fine lines, and pores to get around to posting. Not fishing for compliments, y'all, I just call it as I see it. But this is how much I love you, I am posting nearly a half dozen close-up pictures of my Manson lamps for all to enjoy. BUT I DIGRESS.

Above, you will find the "before". I have pretty thick lashes, but they are lighter at the ends and I am addicted to mascara. So, here are the afters...

 Do you know how hard it is to take a non-crazy close up of your eyes? Hard. But anyway, this is one good coat of mascara, and I think the results are pretty great. Honestly? Every bit as good, and I think a bit better, than the $24 mascara I had been using (it was a gift). What's that? You want more crazy eye pictures? FINE.

 Gah, I need to get my eyebrows groomed.

Enough of that! Here's a pretty boring outfit shot, to cleanse the palate.
I am curious, do you guys like the makeup stuff? Want more painful before-and-afters and reviews? You know we'll basically do whatever you tell us to. Well, almost whatever.
jacket: vintage Marc Jacobs (another cute yellow corduroy jacket here)
top: anthropologie (shockingly similar here)
jeans: Pilcro Stet Slim Bootcut
clogs: c/o Miz Mooz, style is the "Rain" clog (same color, but different style here)


  1. I love make up almost more than life itself (though I don't actually like to LOOK like I'm wearing make up - go figure) so YES, I'd love more make up stuff. :)

  2. You guys can't have locks of my hair. We won't do that. (Well, Marianne would.)

    1. I would totally give them locks of your hair. Hold still.

  3. Love the makeup posts. You know I'm obsessed!
    Do you curl your lashes? I always forget and it's just another clunky thing to carry around with me... but gosh it makes a huge difference!

    1. I do, religiously. Mostly because one side is naturally curlier than the other, so if I don't curl them my eyes look really wonky.

  4. I love the makeup whatnot with befores and afters. MOAR!

  5. I like the makeup posts! Especially because it's time for me to replace my mascara, and even $18 for the one I've been using seems too expensive. I can do $5, though.

    1. Let me know if you like it! Sometimes Target has it as cheap as $4.

  6. You are so pretty and I think the make up posts are fun! I also love your outfit!

  7. Makeup stuff is kewl, but for me it's mostly in an observer kind of way -- raised to "put on my face" every single day as a teen (small-town Texass high school, doncha know), I abandoned that time-consuming routine three days into freshman year of college and now wear makeup maaaaybe two or three times a year. It makes my mama sad, and it's not that I don't realize I could look better (or at least, more awake?) with makeup, but I just can't deal ... I basically just love whatever y'all do. :-)

  8. Yay! I love makeup! Looks like a great mascara. I love the Mabelline The Falsies, myself. But, dude, where I live, Mabelline mascara's are almost $30!! That's $25 US!! CRAY-CRAY!!

    1. $25!? That is NUTS. Man, I want to start some kind of black market cheap makeup ring.

  9. Yeah, that is very annoying - the RRP in Australia for it is around $20(AUD & USD are roughly comparable right now). We pay so much more for cosmetics here [insert angry fist shake]. I bought it though after you girls recommended it (with some trepidation, as i have not liked any of their mascaras before, and i *hated* The Falsies), and i do really like it. Needs several coats for sure, but gives definition without clump. Also, your eyes look way better than mine naked. And i love makeup reviews from people whose opinions i trust and which are not coerced, so yes, more please!

    1. I am glad you like it, but again blown away that Maybelline is so expensive there. Crazypants!

  10. I love makeup so I say bring on the makeup posts. My wimpy lashes and I are glad you turned us on to this stuff.

  11. I love the makeup posts too! Love your coat.

  12. You guys are so sweet! We will definitely be doing more makeup posts in the future, so stand by.


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