Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Marianne: Fickle Weather.

This weather, y'all. I cannot dress for this crap. One day it's 76 degrees and sunny, except it's 40 degrees in the morning and maybe raining? And then two days later it's 47 degrees all day long. I guess the one nice thing I can say about the random cold snaps is I've had another chance to bust out my new boots.

Unrelated: I am having a very good hair day here.

So yeah. Still not brave enough to wear them bare legged, but liking them with the dress and tights. I'm feeling slightly more cool, and they didn't hurt this time.

The Littlest Style Blogger wanted in on the action.

She thinks this would be a good pose to adopt. I can't disagree.
dress: Old Navy (similar cut here and another great blue patterned dress here)
boots: Swedish Hasbeens Cilla Chelsea Boots (similar in a fantastic cognac here)
hair: courtesy of Ouidad (the curl kit, it's amazing)


  1. Thing the first: I love those boots in an unnatural way.
    Thing the second: That kid is STINKIN' CUTE!

  2. Oh, my goodness, your little one is SO cute. Love her!

  3. Oh yes. I love her poses! But try that last one today. You hair is looking way too damn good to mess it up. Actually, you're hair always looks good.

  4. She is sooooooo amazingly adorable.

  5. Pleeaase start doing the hands-on-head pose. And if you add a tiptoe or a twirl, I won't complain.

  6. You GUYS. Y'all are so sweet. She is a mess.


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