Friday, April 20, 2012

Adrien: Messing around.

I got an iPhone recently (Love! Adore!) and I thought I'd try using it's camera for an outfit shoot. Yeah, not so much. Fine in a pinch, but not nearly as good as my regular digital camera. The outfit is...unsuccessful? I don't know, I just can't seem to work the slouchy khaki pants thing. Red shoes almost fix it, but not quite. Can't win 'em all. Happy Friday!

shirt: Target (similar here and here)
pants: Gap (similar)
cardigan: no idea
shoes: Chie Mihara (similar)


  1. If you can't rock those pants, the pants are defective. But yay! iPhone!

  2. Well at least your cardi looks really sweet/chic with your top, and the red shoes are cute. If you don't feel good in the pants, don't wear them. It's a distracting confidence-sapper, wearing something you don't feel good in, i find.


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