Thursday, April 5, 2012

Marianne: Sad trombone.

So, the pretty, pretty laptop bag I bought for myself as a "congratulations on the new job" present?

Totally gorgeous in person, and totally about an inch too small. If you think I didn't try to cram my laptop in there anyway, you obviously don't know me well. But it was just not happening.

And so, never one to just let money already spent lay idle, I've been on the hunt for a replacement. This is kind of a fun option, and a lot cheaper at under $40, meaning I have money leftover for candy.

And this one is kind of utilitarian and fun. I like the color blocking and that punch of tangerine. But I think it would look best with jeans and can't picture it with dresses and fancy shoes.

Or, I could continue to just carry my laptop in my arms (in the perfectly fine striped neoprene sleeve I already own), and buy myself something else entirely. Like, say, the Frye Madison Braided Sandal. I can't decide between the silver or the gold.

Or I could get myself some new perfume. I recently used a Sephora gift card to buy this Hanae Mori rollerball, and I'm OBSESSED. Like, I can't stop smelling myself, which is creepy and making me lose friends, but it smells that good. So should I spring for the full sized bottle? Look at how pretty it is:

So basically, I want to treat myself to something, but I can't figure out what. Do you do this? Buy yourself a treat when you get a new job or a raise? What would YOU get? I'm dying to know.


  1. Womp-womp. I have a big ol' laptop, too, and I have had a really hard time finding a bag for it (not that I ever take it anywhere--my cheap-a job did not buy it for me). I like all of your choices, so I am no help.

  2. How about this one:

    Or this:

    Don't get the sandals; you will think of them while you are at work.

    1. That Orla one is SOOO pretty, but out of my price range for a work bag. The Jane Marvel ones are really fun, though!

      And, luckily I work in a place where I could wear those sandals all summer. Decisions, decisions...

    2. Psst, don't tell, but Orla Kiely puts all of her bags on sale for 1/2 price at the end of the season on her website. You just missed the winter sale, but sign up for the emails and they will tell you about the summer sale.

    3. Ooh, and look at this one - it is much less $

    4. So cute! My weird laptop is 13 and a HALF inches long. What the hell, laptop?

    5. ...obviously you should just be treating yourself to a new laptop...heck, get a macbook air and you can just stick it in one of the interoffice mail envelopes like the ad!!

  3. I wouldn't get the sandals. They are nice, but that seems like something you could find a much cheaper version of, or buy on sale.

    Sephora is doing 15% off for Beauty Insiders (Ends today: In store you need the coupon they emailed. Online, use checkout code: CHIC)

    I would stick to a laptop bag if you bring your laptop to work with you ever day. Maybe you could request the perfume for the next gift-giving holiday?

    I normally go on some sort of vacation to celebrate new jobs/promotions. At least a weekend away.

    1. Ooh, now you're talking. Vacation! Spa! I wish I could swing it.

  4. Ugh, I need a laptop bag, too - but I keep putting it off to buy more fun things. I don't know if this is necessarily your style, and it's kind of big and, well, pink, but I have been obsessing over this one.... I love that it looks like a vintage train case and that you can fit other stuff, like your computer cords or whatever, in it.... or you can use it as a carry-on on a plane. I have been having a really hard time finding a bag I like.

    I would probably say, get the computer bag, since you need it the most. Wait until you're done with your rollerball to get the full-size perfume, because you don't want it sitting around too long, or it can lose fragrance.

  5. I ordered the sandals in silver and they're gorgeous. Unfortunately my stupid wide feet looked awful in them, but you should totally buy them. Much more fun than spending it on a laptop bag.


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