Thursday, May 31, 2012

Adrien: All is Usual.

Another outfit from a few weeks ago. (Last one, I swear.) I have a sneaking suspicion that I've worn this on the blog before but with different accessories but I'm too lazy to comb the archives. It pretty much hits all my usual markers: Target dress, Chie Miharas, ridiculous bag, and a cardigan to ruin it all. Whee!

dress: Converse One Star (similar) (similar Grecian-style Merona dress)
cardigan: Old Navy (similar
bag: vintage LV (similar) (still love this red Pour La Victoire satchel!)
necklace: Banana Republic (similar) (Cute fringe necklace by Hive & Honey)
bracelet: gift (similar) (another cute beaded cuff by Sabine)


  1. I love your Target dresses and Chies! That bag is holding up soooo well!

    1. Thanks! That bag is indestructible, I swear. And water-proof!

  2. That bag is sooooo not ridiculous, and a cardigan only ever adds to an outfit in my opinion!


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