Monday, July 2, 2012

Marianne: Leopard Confession.

I have a confession that won't surprise any of you who follow me on Twitter: I got my braces off a week and a half ago. I know. I KNOW. Trust me, it's killing me to still be posting pictures with braces on. But, I liked this outfit, and I am inherently lazy, so yeah. Here we go.

This skirt is a little big, but not unwearably so. Rather, it is so ridiculously comfortable that I kind of feel like I'm wearing sweatpants. Paired with my very favorite super soft and perfectly slouchy t-shirt, an old necklace of my grandmothers (accented with a necklace Adrien made me), and topped with my favorite ancient denim shirt, I felt good. Even with braces. 
This is the last picture of me with braces I will post on this blog.
denim shirt: Gap (similar
skirt: no tag (similar)
shoes: Marc by Marc Jacobs (similar)
necklaces: vintage and handmade by Adrien (similar to the vintage) (similar charm necklace)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on no braces!! I had them from third through eighth grade, and I know it is a BIG DEAL when you get them off. Also: super-cute outfit, love the leopard skirt.


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