Tuesday, July 3, 2012

No more Brace Face.

No more braces!
M: So, since I got my braces off, I am all LIPSTICK! Color! Wooooooo! Anyway, I bought this in Two Ton Tomato, and it's fantastic. A nice bright but sheer color, not sticky, and moisturizing.

Clinique Chubby Stick (heh)


M: Also, I have a sample of Benefit Bella Bamba and uggggggghhhhh it's so good. It makes me mad.

BeneFit Bella Bamba

A: I'm still a big fan of Dandelion but the price still makes me mad.

BeneFit Dandelion

M: I don't even really understand what Dandelion is. Maybe when you are here you can put some on me and make me love it and then I'll be mad at you too.

A: They call it something dumb like "finishing powder" but it's just blush. It's nice, though.

M: I feel like it wouldn't show up on me. That danged Bella Bamba makes me look like I've just come back from a tropical vacation, though. JERKS.

A: It might be too pale for you. You know what I've been loving lately? This:

Laura Mercier Secret Brightening Powder

A sweet friend gave it to me for my birthday back in January and I've started using it again. It's nice! Brightens up my undereyes and shit.

M: Ooooh, I love anything with a secret. I forgot to tell you that I got this palette for my birthday, and it's really nice. With the braces OFF (have I mentioned that), and lipstick back in rotation, it's nice to tone down the eye makeup a bit.

Bobbi Brown Ultra Nude Palette

A: Oh, that's so nice! Stop making me want stuff!

M: Sorrrrrrry. (I'm not sorry)

A: I feel like I'm wearing too much makeup on a daily basis but I don't think it looks bad? I don't know.

M: Eh. Wear what makes you feel good! I think most people could stand to wear a bit more makeup.

A: Agree.


  1. I am also pro-makeup. You know those "Stars Withouth Makeup" photos? Right.

    Lately I've been wearing black eyeliner every day to work, which means I'm wearing black eyeliner at 8am. But I do a super-thin line of black, right against the lashline on the upper eye only, so it looks more like I have defined eyes and less like I'm wearing black eyeliner at 8am. Or so I've convinced myself.

  2. I love Benefit blushes - and they tend to last me a really long time, so I feel like I can justify the price, haha. I really like Coralista, which looks bright but actually isn't - I'm really fair, so it's hard to find a color that flatters. Also, if you take the blushes and mix them with a brightening cream (like Benefit's That Gal) or even just a moisturizer, you can make a cream blush... so it's kind of like getting 2 for 1... kinda sorta.


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