Friday, July 6, 2012


A: I'm reading the comments on a Lululemon blog and WOW. Just wow. One girl is freaking out because they're discontinuing her favorite tank. She's all, "I HAVE 32 OF THEM!!"

M: 32!!! Why on earth would you need 32 of ANYTHING.


M: Crazy Lululemon freaks. Sheesh.

A: I'm kind of relieved that I hate everything they've been making lately. They just came out with a cycling line that is a total joke. I mean:


What the fuuuuuuck?

M: That is. What?

A: It's a little ruffle skirt to wear over bike shorts. I HAVE NEVER.

M: That is insufferable.

A: Then there's this, which looks like a factory accident:

No comprende


A: Actually, the tank that girl is freaking out over is one of my favorites too, but I don't have 32 OF THEM.

M: 32! 32 overpriced workout tank tops! 32!

A: I know! That's like, a used CAR's worth of tank tops.

M: That is a tank top vacation.

A: I am going to do the math because I'm a jerk. 32 tanks @ $52 per tank is A LOT OF MONEY.

M: Don't forget tax! At least $1,800 on TANK TOPS FOR THE LOVE.

A: That's assuming she paid full price for them BUT STILL. THAT IS A LOT OF TANK TOPS. I need to go lie down.

1 comment:

  1. No comprende indeed. For what workout is that drapey cutout thingy intended?

    Also if I spent $52 on a tank top in which I planned to sweat balls (which is the POINT of a WORKOUT), you'd know I had been compelled to do so by Venusian sadists controlling my brain via radio waves.


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