Thursday, August 30, 2012

Adrien: Regrettable Internet Purchases.

Now, y'all know I occasionally shop at Old Navy and find pieces I really like. I practically lived in this t-shirt all summer, thanks to Alison's recommendation. However, I always find items I like in store where I can try things on and feel the fabric for flammability. Blind Internet orders are a bad idea. Bad, bad, bad idea. I don't know what I was thinking. Here's what I got, all of it horrifying on me:

This skirt? It is a tube of badness. I don't really know what else to say about it but that it left nothing to the imagination (OH I MEAN NOTHING) and I also couldn't actually walk in it. No. This one would probably have been a better choice. This dress seemed so cute:

Until I put it on. It is made of a very stiff ponte-type material and the skirt kind of flared out like I was twirling except I wasn't twirling, I was staring at myself in horror. And the striped pattern at the waist was sewn all uneven and that just makes me crazy. Ugh. Finally, there was this:

Which is the dress version of my favorite Old Navy blouse. I had high hopes, for this, you guys, and when I initally tried it on I thought, "Huh. Maybe?" Then I really started messing with it and it's just impossible. The waist hits slightly too high and there's this awful cheap liner that just feels terrible and rides up and NO. No, Old Navy. I am better than this.

So, yeah. What have you ordered online lately that sucked?


  1. I tried on that crepe dress and LOVED it!!!

    1. It's totally cute, just didn't work on my at all.

  2. Can I talk about these shoes?

    Cute, right? Except...they fit really strangely. The strap goes over my ankle bone itself, so there's no real stability there. And the toe part on the sole sort of rolls forward, contributing to the feeling that I'm going to fall down.

    I've worn them in public exactly twice: once I rolled my ankle and the second time I was so afraid that would happen again I pretty much took baby steps the whole day. Did I mention I don't own a car and walk/take public transportation everywhere?

    I thought I could save them for those days/nights when I am both a.) not walking much and b.) not drinking (don't need to add to the unsteadiness) then I realized I don't really have those days/nights.

    I should find them a good home but they are like a bad boyfriend you keep hoping will change.

    1. Boo, I'm afraid there's no fix for that kind of thing. I say re-homing is your only option.

  3. Ugh, I made my first order to StyleMint for the Tribeca pants. Striped lounge pants- what is not to love there? I got them today, and the stripes don't look the same as the online image (they seem smaller and closer together), and the pants are totally highwaters. Not in a cute, cropped way, either. Now I'm going to be out $5.95 for a "restocking" fee. That is total bullcrap (yes, I should have read the return policy before ordering, but...). I am definitely canceling my "membership."

    Thanks for letting me vent :)

  4. Oh no, I basically had a seizure all over Old last week and bought, among other things, that last dress you posted. A few of my items came in already and they are lovely though, so I hold out hope!

    Right now I'm contemplating these guys: How do we feel about suspenders?

    1. JG, I was expecting a whole lot of "hell no" when I opened that link (esp. when you mentioned suspenders), but I actually think those are cute! I may contemplate them, as well.

    2. I was also expecting to be all "hell no" about the suspenders but they're cute! I don't know that I could pull it off, but you probably could.

  5. Am I the only idiot that ordered a bathing suit online? Since I live in Canada I had to pay duty and some extra "handling" fee for $20. Plus I paid another $20 to send the damn thing back. But the true cost was in trying it on at home, forever searing that image into my bathroom mirror. The horror. And once I was done I couldn't just leave it behind. It sat there, in an open box, mocking me silently. Part of me wanted to chuck it into a bucket of straight bleach and watch it melt. Lesson learned, I hope.

  6. A double sided (I think that was the term used) wool pencil skirt from Talbots. Turns out "double sided wool" actually means "unlined flannel."

  7. I don't order too much online anymore ... I realized that when I go to a store in person, I can take 10 things into a dressing room and find that nothing works so the odds are even worse online. And I HATE having to pack things up to make returns. The only thing I still do is vintage on eBay, with designers whose fit I really know.

  8. I have the cord skirt (in yellow. Love the color.) from Old Navy. It is cute and comfy but cheap. It looks nice on, I suppose, but it totally stertched out throughout the workday. I wish I had it one size smaller; I would squeeze into it the morning, but after an hour or so, it would stretch enough to fit perfectly.
    Also, you know how you can typically tell the back of a skirt because the tag is in the back? This skirt had a tag in the back and front. It looked like a factory defect when I pulled it out of the packaging, but I ended up pleased with it. That said, even at a cheap-o full price $30, I would still wait until it went on sale.

  9. This dress:

    I was dazzled by the trendy mustard, the Peter Pan collar, and the seemingly easy to wear shape. Unfortunately I forgot that I'm not six feet tall with legs the size of small twigs. As such, the dress looked like a lumpy sack on me. Sigh...


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