Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Marianne: Super Spy Camera

Have I seriously not blogged about this shirt yet? Because I have worn it pretty much all summer long, with ratty jean shorts because I am cool like that. I guess I figured I would spare you all the shorts.

Anyway, it's a perfectly lightweight, gauzy shirt, and I love the print and colors. Since I work in a freaking meat locker, it paired up well with some jeans and clogs. Because it may be 90 degrees and humid outside, but inside the office it's a balmy 55 degrees.

But wait...what's that I hear? A tiny paparazzo?

It's Lu with her "Super Spy Camera" (aka, a tiny toy camera keychain).

Sorry. Where where we? Oh, right.

Gratuitous bag/top shot:

top: C&C California (the same shirt in a different print here and here)
shoes: Miz Mooz Rain Clog (still available in red or green here or similar style here)


  1. Love the outfit....effortless chic. The bag is awesome. I want it.

  2. I love all of this. I want to be you when I grow up.


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