Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Adrien: Bear With Me.

I moved last weekend and everything is still in disarray. I haven't had time yet to figure out an outfit-photo-taking arrangement because I've been too busy looking for my sweaters and tights and socks. All missing, you guys. WHERE ARE THEY. Of course the minute I moved the weather took a turn for the cold and sucky, but at least that means I can break out my sweaters and boots, right? Well, I got my boots but no socks. Also, no sweaters. And where the fuck are my tights? I've looked in every box. Every container. Missing. I really, really hope they didn't accidentally get donated with the thrift store stuff. I...can't breathe. Hang on.

Okay. Ugh. I will keep you posted. In the meantime I did take a few stunningly awful outfit photos in the mirror this morning so you have something at which to laugh:

Slightly blurry! Totally natural!
This is how most of the photos turned out. I am a master.
At least my hair looks cute?
dress: NY & Company (similar print) (similar style)
cardigan: Martin + Osa (similar)
boots: Camper (similar)


  1. Very cute!!! Congrats!! Have fun setting up your new home. Exciting time!!!

  2. You sold your house and bought a new one?


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