Thursday, October 18, 2012

Adrien: Blargh.

Still having issues with outfit photos. I'm going to figure it out, I swear, but until then things are going to be murky. And this outfit is so cheerful! Ugh, y'all. (Tips for indoor photography?)


my shoes are cute, though.

dress: Velvet by Graham & Spencer (similar) (this is cute too)
belt: Banana Republic (similar)
shoes: Banana Republic (this year's version) (similar)
bracelet: Giles & Brother skinny railroad spike cuff (in silver, which now I want.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Bump up your ISO and lower the aperture. Or, stand by a window (during daylight obviously). Window should be to side or you could 3/4 turn to face window. Window light usually = beautiful light.
    Cute dress! I just recently discovered your blog, and it is awesome. Especially the Ewan posts. :)

    1. I don't know what any of those words mean,but I appreciate the advice anyway! And sadly, I am standing right by a window but it's too early for good light. Boo.

  3. Such a cute outfit! Sexy, too.


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