Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Very Ridiculous Giveaway.

Hey there! As a thank you to our awesome readers we decided to do a fun beauty samples giveaway...and then promptly forgot to do it. This is to your benefit because the stash of giveaway stuff has grown during our time of slackness. So, now we have a Birchbox overflowing with awesome samples that we're giving away to one of you. I know it sounds a little eye-rolling, like THANKS FOR GIVING ME YOUR FREE CRAP, LADIES, but wait! There's some good stuff in this box, stuff we'd not mind keeping for ourselves.

You guys have been great about putting up with our nonsense and we almost never get shitty comments which is very appreciated. It's basically a bribe. Check it out:

Oooh, there could be anything in there! I will give you some highlights:

And! So much more stuff that I will just let you wonder about. Why, there could be anything in there! Maybe a pony! (There isn't a pony.)

GIVEAWAY IS CLOSED! The winner will be announced on Wednesday December 19th.


  1. I just recently found your blog and I am enjoying it very much. And, hey, I sure could use a Birchbox full of great samples!

  2. There are so many things I love about this blog, but in all honestly, the snark makes me giggle. And I need to giggle.

    Also, you make me buy stuff that ends up looking good on me. So there's also that.

    1. How about if I remember my email address? morive [at] ku [dot] edu

  3. I think out of all the style/fashion/whatever blogs I read yours is my favourite because it's the most fun to read. Plus you mock the Shobbit. It's also nice to see "normal people" clothes on a fashion blog.

  4. Can someone tell me what "Make Up For Ever High Definition powder" is actually used for? I don't really understand where I'm supposed to put it.

    You guys give fashion help that actually works on normal people. That is what I love about this blog.

    seyood [at] gmail [dot] com

    1. It's just fancy face powder for setting your makeup!

  5. Snark is an art form with you guys. Love it. Love you!


  6. I always get good ideas from you guys on new ways I can put together outfits from stuff I already have in my closet. And of course your relentless mocking of the Shobbit.

    Email: katie{at]katiejanephoto[dot]com

  7. What I don't like about your blog?!? Blasphemy! What do I love about it? The snark, the beauty reviews, the outfits, shopping your closets. Just the other day I had to pull up your blog in the middle of CVS to find the name of a lipstick that Marianne had recommended. One again LGFTB saved the day!

    lmnessel at gmail dot com

  8. This is one of my favorite blogs - love the practical fashion advice!

  9. I LOVE the snark. It's also really refreshing to see real people, with real and accessible wardrobes with a fashion blog. Not to mention, you are hilarious.


  10. I love the product recommendations and the purses!

  11. I love your sense of humor and you do great reviews of beauty products and always look so stylish and real. I'm not a huge fan of your blogs about SHobbit, but just being totally honest. Love you guys!

  12. I love this blog and all of your nonsense (which is always good, of course). I especially like it when your nonsense involves hot redheads.

    jessicaborash at gmail dot com

  13. This is a sweeet giveaway, and I'm assuming it's international but ignore me if I'm wrong.

    Anyway I like that your blog isn't full of the typical 'la-dee-dah I'm a happy blogger girl all the time and I'm so sweet' airs & graces. If you get what I'm saying.


  14. I like your blog because of the pictures you post of yourselves in what you are actually wearing. You re-wear pieces in different ways, you try different things. For the first time, I have started to believe that decent fashion is do-able without being a NYC model. Real people, real sartorial choices.

  15. I love that you seem to be 2 normal gals with style I can totally relate too. I love (and I've said this before) that you combine high-quality more costly items with Target value finds. I love that you use profanity, and I love the occasional photos of super hot dudes.

  16. I like the style posts. Always great outfits that give me ideas and good suggestions for affordable finds.

    But I LOVE the ridiculous conversation posts. They are why I consistently check LGFTB before other blogs.

    kat.mceachern at gmail

  17. I like how you guys don't take yourselves too seriously. Every post seems fun.

  18. I love the snark and the makeup reviews. Tears will be shed if you ever stop blogging!

    jmevans19 at yahoo

  19. I love the blog because you both seem down to earth and funny. I just find this blog a refreshing place amongst other fashion blogs. The snark is hysterical and you don't do ridiculous poses. :)

    scaponigro at gmail dot com

  20. I don't always read fashion blogs, but when I do, I read Looks Good From the Back. Ha, I've just secured my place your naughty list for that one! But seriously, I want to win the prize.

    I'm not getting it, am I. Damn.

    Hopefully yours, gkcovert at

  21. Agreed with all above. So many style blogs are either boring or ridiculous. That you two manage to be neither seems like a small miracle.

    christianathomas at yahoo dot com

  22. I love the whimsy that is your blog. And I love trying new things!

  23. This 43-year-old mom of a 5-year-old needs all the help she can get.
    You know I love this blog, and Adrienne and Marianne's hairs collectively mystify me.
    The outfits are cute too.
    micaelab55 at hotmail dot com

  24. I actually really like how simple your blog is. Not complicated or assuming. Thanks for the daily style fix.

    bnheskelson at hotmail dot com

  25. I love the humor and the outfits that you actually wear. I would love it if you included some 'wear around the house' outfits since I look like I was abducted by Homeless Amish people when I'm at home.

    Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  26. I love that the things you wear/highlight are often things I might actually consider buying (unlike, say, Kim France, both because I'm a grad student and unlikely to spend $200 on a shirt and because it's all waaaaay too unstructured for me, even though I love her blog) and because your sense of style is worth emulating, and not insane. I hope that doesn't sound condescending or anything, but yeah. I like you because you're real. So thanks.


  27. You make me laugh, and I like that you don't take yourselves too seriously!


  28. It's my 26th birthday today 12.12.12 :-D so my day is going very well. You have the best blog. Out of all the fashion blogs,this is the most down-to-earth one I've found and also one of the best written. Please choose me!


  29. I love your blog because you two are hilarious. Separately and especially together. And you somehow manage to write a blog where I feel like I'm just talking to my friend about my day and my outfit rather than being talked down to like a lot of other blogs!


  30. I like reading your blog and I recently got myself a Rebecca Minkoff Morning after bag. I love it! You guys crack me up.


  31. I love the simplicity of what you do - I wish you would do more! Here is my only question...who are you? I found you from a link and a link and have stuck around....but I would love a little bio section (imho)
    Keep it up

  32. I always appreciate your Friday posts.

  33. I love the posts snarking on the sartorialist and Daniel Craig posts it goes without saying (except that long hair picture, which nearly made me weep, and not in the good way). I love both of your style as well but a funny blog is a good blog and yours is a great one!

  34. I like beauty product reviews and fitting room reviews best!

  35. I like everything, but particularly the beauty reviews.

  36. I find your style of writing lots of fun!!! That's why I have you in my Google Reader :)

    shanahattis at gmail dot com

  37. I would be happy to receive some free stuff! I love your blog because you're hilarious, wear cute clothes, and make necessary fun of the Shobbit.

    greatbleuheron at live dot com

  38. I like that u told me IRL. Holly berry 81 at Hotmail dot com

  39. I like that you ladies aren't afraid to have a blog don't isn't all OMGcupcakes, shitty DIYs, and depressed husbands in vintage sweaters/skinny jeans. You're funny and sarcastic and REAL.

    I also LOOOOOOVE free stuff.

    kimberly.huskinson @

    1. "depressed husbands in vintage sweaters/skinny jeans" is cracking me up.

  40. i pretty much love everything about your blog. I'm even wearing a mascara based on your review! So... keep it up!

    nosrednaharas at gmail dot com

  41. Hi Guys,
    The thing I love the most about your blog is the writing. Hands down. You guys crack me up!
    That, and when you make fun of Shobbit.

    k.walker at auckland dot ac dot nz

  42. I love how down-to-earth you ladies are! Thanks for keeping it real.

  43. Your writing always makes me smile. I catch up at work (shhhh!) with my morning coffee, and I could always use a smile at work. :)

  44. I love the pictures of animals resembling people the most. You guys are GENIUS at that. Fabulous.

  45. I need to be camera ready so I hope that I win!

  46. I love when you post Daniel Craig photos, it makes me very happy :)

  47. Yay! A blog giveaway that Canadians can enter! The fact that I have to post my email publicly scares me though. I will just take the opportunity to thank you for an awesome fun read, I look forward to each and every post!

    1. You're still entered! Just make sure you check back to see if you win.

  48. Love your self-deprecating senses of humour, plus I snort tea when you mock the Sartorialist. Cheers! Alexa alexa AT alexamoses DOT com

  49. I love your senses of humor! You girls crack me up, and I love all the Friday posts! malhoward at aol dot com

  50. Love that you don't take yourselves too seriously. But mostly love that you appreciate the power of great shoes and accessories. Marianne, congrats on the maternity jeans!!
    smilingfish75 at yahoo dot com

  51. HUMOR!!! Seriously I can always count on you for a laugh or a smile.
    Keep it up!

  52. I love that you are so funny! Makes me laugh at my desk!

    mlsmarlowe at gmail dot com

  53. I love y'all for being so real and funny. I don't like that there are no ponies in this box. Pick me.

  54. Hey, just started reading because I just met you in real life.

    Enter me to win!
    annie blazer =

  55. I love that you post about clothes I can relate to. So many fashion type blogs are so ridiculous and I wonder if the bloggers actually leave the house in some of their crazy ensembles. Plus, you're hilarious.

  56. Oh, count me in. I like free stuff. And if I win, I'll give you all the things I don't want. :) claudiabrookman at gmail dot edu

  57. Y'all make me laugh...... a lot. Sometimes I do it in front of people and they look at me weird. Thanks a lot ladies :)

    cathy4cc (at) gmail (dot) com

  58. I love your back-and-forth conversations! (Fridays are my favorite). Awesome giveaway!

  59. I absolutely LOVE your posts about Scott Schuman - I've browsed the Sartorialist for awhile and you are saying all the things I've been thinking! Thank you SO MUCH for that!


    kateskinny (at) mac (dot) com

  60. I love that you show clothes that I'll actually wear (and buy)!

    amy.shireman (at)

  61. I like it when you do the back and forth conversation posts. Those are fun.

  62. I like that you make me laugh!

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  63. Let's see, I like your witty email convos. I like when you knock smug fashion dwarves down a few notches. I like the adorable photobombs in Marianne's outfit pics. Oh, I like it all, even when you convince me to buy makeup I don't need. Thanks for doing this giveaway!



  64. I love the beauty and the dressing room review posts! Happy Holidays!


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