Monday, February 4, 2013

Winter Shopping Ennui.

M: It's February, do you know what that means?

A: It means I'm coming to visit you?

M: Awwwww. Well, yes, it means that, but it also means I am DONE, do you hear me, DONE with winter! Done with winter clothes, done with shopping for boots, DONE. I am torturing myself by thinking about what I want to wear this spring.


M: ALL THE SANDALS. I, um, actually have bought two pairs of sandals already?


M: OKAY. First of all, following @greedygrechen on Twitter is a blessing and a curse. Thanks to her I got the Rachel Comey Atsina wedges for $85:

M: And these SUPER CUTE Swedish Hasbeen clog sandals for $50:

A: Oh! So cute! I especially love the red pair. I'm having a hard time finding things I like that I can also afford. Like, I want these Coclico Erika d'Orsay sandals badly:

A: They would be better if they were $50.

M: Why aren't those $50? That is just stupid. You should get a discount on account of them being made for you.

M: Um, there is something else I want and you are not going to Approve.

A: Marianne. What.

M: Okay, let me preface with two things. I have adored my olive green field jacket (a lot like this one) for multiple seasons now. Still going strong.

A: I approve of a field jacket. I love mine.

M: Keeping that in mind, and how CUTE this girl looks in outfit 7 & 8, I want...this:

A: I don't hate that! I don't. I just don't personally do vest-type things.

M: I know you don't. I keep thinking about it over this dress which I just bought in spite of not really needing any maternity clothes (non-maternity similar):

A: Oh! You totally needed that. I am liking this Madewell sweatshirt dress a lot:

A: Like sweatpants! In dress form!

M: Who doesn't need that?!

A: It says, "I give up. But only a little bit."

M: Sometimes that's all we can hope for. I was feeling very stripey this weekend because I also ordered this  top in navy/white (non-maternity similar):

A: I do love stripes. And I...think I like this Shoshanna dress:

A: Is it cute? I don't even know anymore.

M: That dress makes me confused. It's a sweater dress and in wintery colors, but with summery stripes and short sleeves and it's short short. But it's cute? I don't know.

A: Okay, so it's not just me. I was all, cute. Wait. Cute? Maybe cute? Cute. Hmm. Not cute. GOD.

M: And so much monies! Where are we wearing this $400 short sleeved sweater dress? WHERE.

A: Well, I would never actually pay that much for a dress, much less that dress but something about it made me click through. Honestly, I don't really like anything lately. I want things, but I can't find the things I want.

M: I just DON'T want boots, or coats, or warm things. Winter clothing shopping has expired.

A: I feel like everything I want is a sold-out limited edition glitter mary jane.

you can't have me. 

M: Special snowflake.

A: Sigh


  1. I think I will always want boots but I could stand some warmer weather.

  2. I am so ready for warm weather, but I am in Canada. I still have some cold ahead of me.

    I love that sweatshirt dress.

  3. Oh, to be done with winter in February ... I'm looking at snow falling outside my window here. :(

    1. Oh, it's still winter here, we're just pretending it's not.

    2. I have a friend (here in Sweden, mind) who used to wear shorts from mid-February. As a matter of principle - we OUGHT TO BE DONE NOW.

  4. I have - and love - those red clogs, but where, oh where, did you find them for $50?! Because I want the yellow ones now,. too.

    1. I bought them at an off-season sale on a couple of months ago. I cannot WAIT to actually wear them!


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