Monday, March 4, 2013

Adrien: Squinty.

Oh, the sun, it was everywhere I didn't want it to be including in my face. The outfit is an old one, but it's tried-and-true and sometimes you just go with what works. The bag/cardigan feels a little too matchy for my tastes but I think the overall look is fine? You tell me. Too matchy? Ugh, Monday.

dress: Ann Taylor (spendy similar, inexpensive similar)
cardigan: Ann Taylor (similar)
locket: J Crew (similar)
boots: Frye (similar Frye boots)
bag: vintage LV (similar)


  1. Your hair is looking full and fabulous. Product change since your last post on hair?? Do tell ...

    1. Yes! I ran out of the fancy crap I was using and bought this:

      It works...sometimes? But it's really cheap.

    2. Thanks for the tip! And the outfit definitely works.

  2. Ooh, that's a great outfit! Love the pops of red, and it doesn't strike me as too matchy-matchy. Great dress - your waist is teeny!!

  3. Lovely! You look great and the matching works for me. Proves that often, simple and elegant is best.

  4. loyal reader delurking to say you look extra great - awesome outfit!


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