Thursday, April 25, 2013

Adrien: What I Keep At My Desk.

So, I work in an office and I realized I have a mini hoarder stash of beauty products in my desk drawer. Is this normal? Does everyone do this? I have no idea, but I thought I'd tell you about it. First of all, proof that I ain't lying:

See? Stuff is everywhere. On my desk next to my computer I have:

(Just a pause to discuss that last one. My nails started peeling badly back in February and HAVE NOT STOPPED. I am at my wits end and have resorted to expensive supplements. It's awful - they peel and I'm left with the thinnest, saddest nails that break right down at the quick. Hateful. Any advice?)

In my drawer I have:

Sephora Compact Standing Travel Set

I KNOW. And it comes with mini tweezers and nail clippers! I don't know why! It's just the greatest and it stands up on its own so you can quietly touch up your makeup hands free while hiding behind your computer monitor. Not that I do that. But you need one and it's a really good filler item when you're trying to get your order up to $50 for free shipping. Woo.

So, what do you mini hoarders have in your desk drawer?


  1. I thought problems with finger nails were a sign that something was lacking in the diet...
    Have you changed your eating habits? Just a thought.

  2. I have lipstick, hand cream, nail file, lip balm, small mirror, aspirin, candy, kleenex, quarters, a RAZOR (it comes in handy more than you would think!), pressed powder, Clean and Clear oil absorbing sheets (the best!), packs of seaweed "chips" (the Korean kind--mmm, mmm, good), a half-eaten bag of blue corn chips, a toothbrush, and toothpaste. WHO'S THE HOARDER NOW?!?!?

    1. No fair including snacks! I just stuck to beauty products but there's a whole lot more going on in my desk drawer if I'm allowed to include snacks and other detritus.

  3. Empty tub of hand cream. The end.

    I am bad at/uncommitted to beauty industry stuff.

  4. I feel you about the peeling nails. More dietary protein helps, as does keeping your hands warm, dry, and moisturized. Vitamins are good, and there are cheaper ones, including prenatal vitamins which give you talons. Also, keep them short - cut, don't peel (not a nail tech, just obsessed).
    I used to keep a full manicure set (no polish) in my work drawer, but too much nail filing = not enough regular filing, if you feel me.

  5. nothing better than having a boring conference call that requires a closed door...thats when I experiment with all of the desk goodies :). And catch that elusive stray hair...yuck

  6. I do need that mirror. And my birthday's coming up. Hint hint.


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