Monday, October 28, 2013

Adrien: Red, Not Pink.

So, something about this top reads I'M REAL PINK on my computer but I swear to you it's red and blue stripes so don't be too hard on me about how weird my red bag looks with it. It's fine IRL! I guess! Anyway, I wore this last week and it's fine. Maybe brown boots would've worked better? 

The top is from Gap a few years ago (though they have this one and this one. Yay stripes.) And the jeans are James Jeans Couture Skinny which I reviewed back in the spring. They're good. 

My locket necklace is J.Crew and it's a total pain in the ass because the chain kinks up if you even look at it wrong. So annoying. I'd get this one instead. Bookish! 

Bag and boots! You know how I do.

1 comment:

  1. I like this a lot. Probably because it's very much my uniform. And I covet that bag, so bad. But I started this to say - I love the black boots! My instinct is brown with navy, but I think black looks great and I hear black and navy is a thing right now. So bravo all around!


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