Monday, January 6, 2014

Marianne: Overland Buttondown review.

I did some panic shopping on Christmas Eve (as you do) and came home with the Overland Buttondown from anthropologie, which I promptly wrapped up and gave to myself. I am just so thoughtful! You guys, this is a great top! It is a gorgeous color and super flattering. The fabric feels expensive and has the perfect drape. I loved it so much I wore it on Christmas day (gratuitous baby shots below):


I didn't get a shot of me in it that day so enjoy this poorly-lit dressing room photo instead. See how it just skims over my belly and kind of hides that post-partum pooch? It's good stuff. I'm wearing it with my Pilcro Stet Slim Boot jeans which FIT AGAIN PRAISE BE. They are so insanely comfortable and make your legs look loooooong and skinny, and the waist contains all stuff. Two thumbs way up.

Here's a product shot while we are at it (I am DYING over the zebra print, dang it). So pretty! Such a pretty shirt and not a ruffle in sight. anthropologie might be luring me back to the dark side. Oh wait, maybe not. Nope. Also noooope.


  1. can't tell if you're pro-ruffle or anti-ruffle, lol

  2. Cutest baby ever! You look lovely.

  3. I really like that shirt but I couldn't pull it off...


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