Tuesday, January 14, 2014


A: Martha Stewart is kind of the best.

M: Lady is 72 and FLAWLESS.

A: I love that she's like, SERUM EVERYWHERES.

M: Bathe in it! She's my hero.

A: Seriously. And you know when Martha says a certain eye cream is from the "expensive" line you probably shouldn't even bother to look it up.

M: I want that spray lotion. Right this very second while I sit at my desk.

A: Well, I know you hate the lotion process. I think you need, like, a lotion spray booth. In your house.


A: Um, it's not a real thing. I made it up.

M: But but but.

A: Oh honey. I'm sorry.

M: I bet Gwyneth has a lotion shower.

A: Well, I guess you should just go do a blog with Gwyneth then. 

M: Well that's no fun.

A: You know, if you want to hang out in her lotion booth drinking MINT FLAVORED LIQUID CHLOROPHYLL who am I to stop you?

M: Nope. NOPE. #NOPE


  1. Yet again we think alike. I am so slow on my blog reading, I wrote in a frenzy last night, posted today, and then read this. I love you two.


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