Thursday, February 27, 2014

We should TOTALLY have a style blog.

When Adrien was in town last week we thought it was high time to get some new photos of us together to use for bloggy purposes. Unfortunately we are...not very good at this.Things start out fine...


Then we get it back together.

I am basically impossible.

Note from Adrien: Marianne threatened to bite me if I didn't try her fancy all-day Stila lipstick (which I'm wearing above in case you weren't all, "DAMN. THOSE ARE SOME RED LIPS.") Even though it's fairly advanced and you have to work fast, this stuff is bombproof once it's on. It does not move and the color, Fiery, is amazing.


  1. You two are adorable! Gorgeous photos - especially the goofy ones - it's obvious you had a great time together. Hair is looking fab and really love your lips! :)

  2. The second picture is begging to be used for bloggy purposes.

  3. I have that Stila lipstick now because of you. It's the bomb. And y'all are funny. Never change!

  4. You are both so adorable. I miss you! I love the silly photos best.


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