Friday, March 7, 2014


M:  I have thoughts about Chris Hemsworth at the Oscars. He has never done it for me but there are some really amazing arms happening. I'm just saying:

A: Uh, I believe I tried to sell him to you back in 2012.

M: Heee. Back before I loved Miley!

A: I know! How things have changed. I tole you Chris Hemsworth was worth consideration. The other one is okay I guess:

A: Wait! There are three of them:

A: I need to go lie down.

M: That is a genetically blessed family. Lesser Hemsworth is tiny though.

A: Poor Lesser, it's not his fault. the other two are giants. Like, they're both 6'3".

M: They look ACTUALLY tall, not Hollywood tall. This was the picture that made me reconsider him. He is working that tux and sweetly protective of his extremely pregnant wife:

A: Oh my God I would climb him like a treeeeeeeee.

M: He could pick you up one handed!

A: ...

M: Hold you against his bosom like a wee baby.

A: ...


A: Eh.

M: Come on.

A: The baby is sweet but it's in my way, Marianne.

M: I want to photoshop you into his arms. Aaaaaarrrrmmmms

A: ARRRMMMMZZZZZ. Also, I found this and thought of you:


M: Oh thank you!

A: Of course! I am very nice that way.

M: So thoughtful.

A: Like, I'm a really, really good friend.

M: The BEST.

A: Aw, hugs. Heart goat goat goat.

M: Dancing twins dancing twins goat goat heart eye smiley.


  1. Is his name really Lesser? What were his parents thinking? Anyway, you guys (still, always) crack me up, that's all.

    1. I believe Lesser's real name is Luke. We were just being mean.

  2. and oh yeah - can somebody please explain the goat thing? Is it a Blurred Lines ref or wot?

    1. Yes! It's how we emoji our affection. See:


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