Thursday, April 10, 2014

Adrien: MBMJ Globetrotter Kirsten Review! (And an outfit.)

I had a really bad week last week. The kind of week where the only thing that might make you feel better is to buy something unplanned and expensive even if you were saving that money for something else. In my case, I bought that Marc By Marc Jacobs Globetrotter Kirsten bag I posted about last week, the one that sold out almost instantly. (Yes, I contributed to that.) I was tipped off by Nina, of course, and I pounced before I even thought about it. YARS. MINE. Then I was convinced I should've gotten the satchel version instead, but you guys:

Could you return that? Are you that strong? I am not. That COLOR! It really looks like that in real life, super royal blue, deep gold hardware. It's bigger than my beloved Hillier which I really like, because I can shove my Kindle and a travel umbrella in there and there's still tons of room for my other stuff (wallet, keys, eight kinds of concealer, etc.) It's not super heavy and it looks great worn crossbody, which I neglected to get a photo of because derp. It's on sale at Nordstrom (plus 6% back from eBates) and I highly recommend. It's a great bag.

Okay, now for the outfit! I've been slowly rotating last year's spring stuff back in and it's so nice rediscovering clothes I forgot I had. This dress is from the Gap and was such a find. (I do love a kooky animal print dress. How cute is this one? Um, not this one.)

It's not summer-warm yet, so I am appreciating my boots for their coverage. These are an old style of Frye which I've been wearing a lot lately (Frye Jane is similar and on crazy sale!) My old giant tassel necklace is from Ann Taylor but this one is kind of amazing

I threw my cardigan over it all because that's how I do. This bag, you guys. I love it.


  1. The bag is gorgeous! It's my goal to add vibrant, colorful bags to my life ... <3


  2. LOVE the bag. That colour is fantastic. I have a top in that pattern from Gap and I wore it constantly last summer. It's surprisingly versatile. I wish I had bought the dress!!

  3. That bag is to die for! It absolutely makes the outfit.

  4. I bought those Frye Jane boots from Amazon, and they are A++ would buy again, even at not a million percent off. I even got to wear them yesterday, because weather in the midwest is crazy. Thank you!

    1. Yay! I'm so glad they worked for you! I think the Frye Jane are beautiful boots.


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