Friday, June 13, 2014

An Update.

Hi there LGFTB readers, Adrien here. It's been quiet on the blog this week and I think a lot of you already know what's going on but I thought it might be good to fill you in anyway. Marianne's awesome and adorable son Hugo was diagnosed with cancer early this week. It's been a dreadful week for everyone involved and they are going to need a lot of love and support. There are various efforts underway, so if you'd like to know more about that, please feel free to email me.


In the meantime, ya'll are going to be stuck with just me for a little while, so I hope that's cool. There will still be outfits and reviews and maybe some convo posts with a special guest here and there. We'll see what happens. And as always, THANK YOU for reading. We are so lucky to have such a great group of folks willing to read what's in our heads (and we're grateful that you're not all trolls. So grateful.)

I should get going - I've promised a shirtless David Beckham to be delivered to Marianne via errand donkey so I need to get on that.


  1. Go Hugo! I am sending all my good vibes your way. Seriously, best wishes and lots of hugs.

  2. Go Hugo! I've been following Marianne's Twitter closely all week. Sending prayers and good vibes for that precious little boy and his family.

  3. I've been sending happy thoughts to the Canada family since I saw Marianne's tweets. I hope sweet Hugo is as good as new very soon. I even enlisted my three blog readers to pray and sent positive energy to Hugo. Go Hugo!

  4. To a woman I know from a blog...and I child that I have only seen in pictures....your family will is in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry that you have met the notorious cancer face to face.....kick it's ass!
    Trust your Mother's instinct....
    God bless Hugo on his journey....

  5. I think of you guys as my "blog friends" even though you don't know who I am. I will be praying for Hugo. What an adorable baby! My dad is a kidney cancer survivor- it's no fun to be stuck in the hospital on a bad diet waiting for news, but Hugo and Marianne, you can do it! I waited and cried and felt like I was going crazy, and that is ok. It's all part of the fight, and the fight can be won. Lots of love and prayers.

  6. Amazing how important a person and her family can be from only knowing her on a blog and social media. Hugo is in my heart and thoughts and prayers, much strength to Marianne during this time. <3 #gohugo

  7. I'm not a Twitter person, so I had no idea this was going on! Thank you for sharing here on the blog. I'm genuinely concerned for Hugo, Marianne, and all the family. Please let us know what is happening with treatments etc to the extent that it feels comfortable to share with strangers. You're in my thoughts.


  8. I have always enjoyed it when Marianne's adorable kids made guest appearances on the blog, and I'm devastated to hear the news. Best wishes to the whole family as they rally around that sweet little boy.

  9. I don't know Marianne personally but I have been thinking of her and Hugo since I heard this. My heart goes out to them, especially that precious sweet boy. I'm sending positive vibes for them to get good news soon, and the biggest virtual hug. Get well soon, sweet Hugo! #gohugo

  10. I'm not a Twitterer either, I had no idea this was going on. Sending all the positive vibes in the direction of her family. Please keep us updated on how he's doing!

  11. ah, my thoughts are with her and her family. just recently started reading this blog and I LOVE it. you guys are brilliant. xo

  12. My thoughts are with you. I hope that all is well soon.

  13. Sending good energy to Marianne and her family. That little guy looks like a fighter, even Becks thinks so.

  14. Sending positive thoughts to Marianne and her family, and especially little Hugo.

  15. I'm sending lots of good thoughts and prayers for Hugo and all the people that love him.

  16. Sending tons of positive thoughts and love.

  17. As another reader stated, I think of you two as friends that I simply haven't met in person. This is such unexpected and unhappy news for a friend. My thoughts and prayers are with that beautiful baby and his mama and family.

  18. thoughts and love to Hugo, Marianne and familiy!

  19. Oh! I had no idea, and this is such terrible news. What a horrible week and months of hard work ahead for Marianne and her family. I'll be wishing for good news for all of them, and hoping hard that the twinkle in that wee boy's eye means he's too much mischief for cancer to handle. If she feels okay about sharing news here, I'm sure we'd all love to know how they are doing.

  20. I am an anonymous follower of your blog but felt the need to share that I am sending good vibes to Hugo and Marianne. Be strong cutie!

  21. Oh I am so sorry. I join the community in wishing him well.

  22. I had no idea. Crying and sending all my best thoughts and energy and candlelight.

  23. Oh no, I am so sorry to hear this. Sending hope and prayers...


  24. Thank you for sharing this news. I can't even begin to imagine how hard this must be for Marianne and her family. I'll be sending thoughts and prayers, and clutching my kiddos a little tighter this weekend.

  25. I was wondering where she is... :( Sending lots of love! Be brave and fight! Vera

  26. Thank you for letting us know- so we can keep Marianne and her family in our thoughts and prayers. Sending lots of love and hugs...

  27. Marianne and her family are in my thoughts. #GoHugo

  28. Thanks for letting us know Adrien, I don't keep my eye on twitter much so this was news to me. Hugo will be in my thoughts and prayers. #GoHugo

  29. Thanks for the update. Ugh, such rough news - I work in a hospital and kids are amazingly resilient, even in the face of cancer. Hugo will definitely be in my thoughts, sending him and his family and his medical team all the good vibes they can handle.

  30. Ugh I am so so so sorry. I have been trying to keep up on insta/twitter and sending out all the positive vibes and prayers for Hugo and Marianne and the whole family.

  31. Go go little dude! Read y'all religiously but don't it's a creepy I love you more than you love me thing...but I love little Hugo and I am sending well wishes to errybody!

  32. Love and well wishes to Hugo, Marianne and everyone close to them. #GoHugo

  33. So sorry to learn of Hugo's illness. I hope and pray that he is cancer-free soon.

  34. I'm so sorry to hear it! Best wishes and my thoughts to Marianne and her family.

  35. Go Hugo! Oh Marianne, this is so hard and unfair and wrong. I'm glad you have great family and incredible friends like Adrien to support you through this. big hugs to all of you, and those amazing doctors and nurses who work so hard!

  36. Oh dear I am so sorry- sending positive thoughts -

  37. Sending strength to little Hugo and to his parents, I am very sad to learn about this. Go Hugo!

  38. I am so very sorry to hear this news. I will keep Marianne and Hugo and all their family in my prayers. Your wonderful friendship has been a delight to me, as has your blog; I am sure that friendship will be a source of strength to Marianne, and I wish her strength and love going forward.

  39. So sorry to hear this. Sending positive thoughts and prayers. Go Hugo!

  40. So sorry to hear. Be strong. Sending you hugs and good thoughts from Israel

  41. Go Hugo Go!! Stay strong, prayers and well wishes are being sent your way.

  42. Go Hugo. I'm so heartbroken for all. Prayers and well wishes.

  43. Praying for strength, faith and a speedy recovery for Hugo, Marianne and their family.

  44. All of my prayers are with Hugo and his family.

  45. Long time reader here. I don't typically comment, however, I think this post deserves one for sure. I check your blog weekly, and was not expecting to see news such as this. Wishing Marianne and her Family and her little guy, Hugo, as many good thoughts as possible!

  46. All of my best wishes to Hugo, Marianne and their family. That is never easy news to take. I will keep positive thoughts for him and keep him in my prayers.

  47. I am so terribly sorry. I had no idea. I will send all of my positive thoughts and good juju Hugo's way.

  48. Bless their hearts..... I had no idea. Sending lots of love and prayers their way for comfort and healing.

  49. Keeping Hugo and Marianne and family in my prayers. Keep us posted and send them our well wishes.

  50. This is breaking my heart. Wishing the best for that precious boy!

  51. I will firmly commit to Team Hugo and keep him and his family in my thoughts. All the best to the whole family and lots of love from the other side of the world to you!

  52. I keep coming back to this post b/c I just cannot believe it :( A friend of mine saw your blog a while back, and we laugh so much b/c it's like reading what we would write if we had a blog! I feel like we are friends even if we've never met....and because of that, my heart is breaking for Marianne, Hugo, and all of their family and friends. Keeping you all in my thoughts.

  53. Thoughts and positiveness for Hugo, Marianne and all the family. Best wishes for a happy and healthy Hugo.

  54. I just saw this post, and I just saw GO HUGO yesterday on facebook from a local friend. I didn't realize the I knew Hugo (thru you and Marianne's posts!). I hope Marianne and her family are doing well. My thoughts are with them! GO HUGO!!


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