Thursday, December 4, 2014

Review: Super Solano Hair Dryer (and a few other raves.)

First I have to say that I sometimes wonder why y'all even read what I write because overwhelmingly you guys know more about the good stuff than I do. I love your recommendations and I'm just as suggestible as anyone else. Oh, I should buy this mascara? OKAY. Oh, that Alterna shampoo is really that good? OKAY.

It's a little sad how easily I'm swayed. But! You, my excellent readers, rarely steer me wrong. Recently I posted my desire for a real grown-up professional hair dryer and two different readers suggested I check out the Super Solano. I immediately went a-researching and found a good deal here on Amazon:

Super Solano

It arrived and OH MY GOD I have been wasting my time with cheap hair dryers. I really, really have. There is a reason your hair looks so good when you leave the salon and part of that is most definitely the dryer. This dryer is actually a little smaller than the one I had and maybe slightly heavier, which doesn't bother me (though they do make an ultra-light model.) It has three heat settings, two speeds and an extra-long cord which I appreciate.  But how does it work? Like gangbusters. My drying time has been cut in half and my hair is smooth as silk and never, ever frizzy. It's is SO GOOD. I've only had it a few weeks so I can't speak to it's longevity, but for now I'm really happy I made this purchase. Also, I discovered that my stylist uses the same one and loves it! So, thank you for the excellent recommendation.

I also want to update my review on Shiseido Integrate Gracy Mascara which was recommended by a reader. I was initially unimpressed but I've been using it more and I have to say, it's growing on me. It definitely takes 2-3 coats to really get results, but it's good stuff, doesn't flake, and I LOVE the teeny wand for getting all my sad wispy lashes covered. (I linked it but unfortunately it's out of stock right now. Sorry, kids.)

Finally, I want to tell you guys that I recently got my first-ever facial thanks to a gift card from Marianne that I'd been hoarding since my birthday. Which was in January. I know. Anyway, I went to a local place that carries good brands like SkinCeuticals and my aesthetician spent a solid hour doing all kinds of magical-glop things to my face. At one point I was like, "Huh, that really kind of stings. MUST BE WORKING."

 One of the things she did is called dermaplaning, which basically means they shave your face with a tiny straight razor. (Before you freak out, remember that men do this pretty much every day.) It just takes all the dead skin and tiny hairs off and leaves your skin feeling like butter. BUTTTTERRRRRRR. A few days out my skin looks freaking amazing, which sucks because now I want another one. Immediately.

Ooh, also, my face lady gave me a nice sample of the hallowed SkinCeuticals C E Ferulic which I've been dying to try. I'll report back on it's magical qualities or lack thereof.

That's it! Now, please stop giving me good recommendations because I am out of money, you jerks.


  1. My Super Solano was an absolute game-changer. I thought I couldn't have longer hair because my hair got ratty and sucky past a certain length. NO. My $20 Conair job made it ratty and sucky. Super Solano brought it back to life.

    1. Yes! This is why I cut my hair again, because it was looking so ratty. I'm hoping that the fancy dryer will help. So far, so good.

    2. hi! I am inspired and ready to ditch my $15 hair dryer! Is the Super Solano an Ionic hairdryer? For some reason my hair does not respond well to Ionic so I wanted to check before purchasing. Thank you!

    3. Nope, not ionic. They do have an ionic version but the one I linked isn't.

    4. Does it come with a diffuser? Could it even make a difference for wavy/curly hair dried with a diffuser? I am very curious... (especially since I too have been using a $20 junky dryer for a while now, and rattiness is a constant concern)

  2. I had a $50 gift certificate to Amazon - with your excellent recommendation and that link - just bought the dryer. You guys have convinced me that a good dryer = better hair.

  3. I am a convert/believer of the CE Ferulic. I've been using it for 6 months as part of my derm suggested routine and it lasts a long time, makes my skin look great, protects against UV, and I got it (my little secret internet) at which does 15% coupons at times which so helps the price tag :)

  4. Super cool! You're liking the Integrate Gracy! I am still loving it, I'm so happy I found it. (and relieved it's on Amazon because when I'm not in Japan I'm going to want to get my hands on it!)

    You know what's good to do, too? Brush it on the top of your lashes first, then do from underneath. (Adds volume and heft)

    What I really like about the Gracy is that it makes it look like it's your own, beautiful, dark, silky, long lashes. And since it doesn't flake and stuff, it looks even more natural.

    (I do one side, let it dry while doing the other, then go back- it gives a dry base to build on. With the Gracy, if you brush too much too quickly it will just take mascara off.

    It really is a pretty mascara. Which I don't think I've ever said about a mascara before haha.

  5. oh oh- and the dermablading!! I do it myself - in Asia they usually shave their eyebrows (because of the way they grow- they can't pluck, so they shorten them) and the little razors they use for that are the same that are used for dermablading. They cost like a buck a pack. (on amazon search "eyebrow razors) There are some youtube tutos for it probably, but it's super easy- the only requirements are to take your time and do little tiny movements. You'll get the hang of it fast. It is pretty amazing, I can't get over my skin- I have skin that doesn't exfoliate easily- even with the Clarisonic- and this has been a game-changer.

    1. I feel like this is great in theory, but I feel nervous that it would cause my face fuzz to grow in coarser- is this crazy? Am I crazy for feeling nervous about this? My skin also is not great at exfoliation, so I'm interested.

    2. Yeah, all I can think about is stubble....

    3. it doesn't make hair grow back any coarser- I actually heard about it from a makeup artist youtuber who did it to get rid of duvet so her makeup would apply more smoothly. Hair growing back coarser was exactly what I was thinking, but she said that it doesn't, and she's been doing it for years. Then she mentions "it also kindof exfoliates, which is nice".

      I don't have a lot of duvet, but I thought maybe even those miniscule hairs are the issue behind patchy foundation. So I gave it a try in a couple of places, very cautiously. THEN I found out about dermablading- and realized that that's what I was doing- and what people were raving about/paying a fortune for, apparently. So I went ahead and dermabladed all over lol.

      Anyway, I totally love it- I've done it about 3 or 4 times in a few months- not only does it exfoliate, but your skin keeps exfoliating! When I'm in the shower and washing my face the dead skin just comes right off, every time- and it comes off evenly. I've been using a Clarisonic for a few years, and it though it makes a big difference, the dermablading has done what I always hoped the Clarisonic would really do (I still use the Clarisonic, btw)

      The first couple of times you really have to go slow-( I've nicked myself, and I've also done it a bit too enthusiastically and gotten little scratches but the next day they're gone.) So yeah, go slow to get the hang of it. Watch the tutorials- they'll tell you all you need to know

    4. There's no stubble, it's just the super-fine baby hairs on your face and it's a myth that it grows in more coarse. Mostly it's about exfoliation.

  6. Can you give me an update on the hair dryer? Do you still love it? I bought a new "cheaper" one and it sucks bad.

    1. Sorry for the slow response! Comments on older entries get quarantined. So, YES, I still love it and it's worth every penny. My drying time is cut in half and my hair is much healthier because of it. Definitely worth the upgrade - you will be amazed at the difference.


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